Issue - decisions

Edward Street - Stockport – Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

22/07/2019 - Edward Street - Stockport – Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport has approved the statutory legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Order set out in Appendices A and B of the report at an approximate cost of £2,200 to be funded from the Cabinet Member’s Highways budget and, subject to no objections being received within twenty one days from the advertisement date, the Order can be made.  

14/03/2018 - Edward Street - Stockport – Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

The Cabinet Member has considered proposals to introduce measures to reduce inappropriate parking on Edward Street in the disabled only parking bays and on the junctions of Edward Street and Lacy Street close to Fred Perry House, and has approved the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders set out in Appendices A and B, and subject to no objections being received within 21 days of the advertisement date the Orders being made.


The Cabinet Member has approved the £2200 costs of the implementation of the proposals being met from the Strategic Budget.


The Central Stockport Area Committee supported the proposals.