Issue - decisions

Town Centre Regeneration - Merseyway

20/12/2017 - Town Centre Regeneration - Merseyway (E&R21)

The Cabinet considered a proposed strategic approach to the future management and redevelopment of Merseyway Shopping Centre as part of the Council’s overall approach to town centre regeneration and agreed that


·           the progress to date with regard to the Council’s approach to managing Merseyway Shopping Centre be noted;

·           the strategic approach to the regeneration of Merseyway as outlined in the report be approved;

·           approval be given in principle, and subject to further feasibility works, to a first package of works which comprised:


-       The creation of a Food Court at Arden Walk;

-       The creation of semi-permanent retail and leisure ‘pods’ at suitable points along Merseyway;

-       Design works aimed at ensuring the former Next unit can be let at the earliest opportunity;

-       The property transaction as outlined in the report;


·           authorisation be given to further feasibility work on the packages of work in line with the delegated authority and approved funding as described in the confidential report;

·           with regard to the structural and public realm works described in the confidential report, and subject to further Cabinet and / or Cabinet Member approvals if required, authorisation be give to the submission of a business case to Transport for Greater Manchester for Local Growth Fund resources and the signing of the appropriate delivery agreement;

·           approval be given to the proposed change to the delegated authority for approving property transaction set out in the confidential report so that responsibility for Estate Management is delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.

·           authorisation be given to the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration and Borough Treasurer in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration to take all necessary steps to implement the strategy in this report reporting back as necessary and appropriate to Cabinet.


(Note: the report contains information ‘not for publication’ in its appendices that had been circulated to cabinet members only)