Issue - decisions

Medium Term Financial Plan Cabinet Response

14/03/2018 - Parking Tariff Amendments

On 22 February the Council Meeting agreed the budget for 2018/19 which included provision for increasing parking charges across the borough.


The Cabinet Member for Communities & Housing had now formally agreed those increases for advertisement in the local press prior to implementation.

09/02/2018 - Cabinet Response: Growth and Reform Programme update

The Cabinet consider a report and addendum setting out a range of growth and reform proposals to address the challenging demand and financial pressures facing the Council, the proposals having been subject to consultation with the public, staff or stakeholders as necessary, and where appropriate had been revised in light of the feedback received.


In considering the Cabinet Response to the MTFP Growth and Reform Programme Update, it was agreed that


·         the progress outlined within this report and addendum and the considerations outlined within section 3 in relation to consultation, workforce implications and equality implications be noted;

·         approval be given to the updated proposals appended to the report and contained in the addenda and revised appendices, in particular

-      Mental Health Review (appendix 10) - the update and commitment to review Mental Health services during 2018/19 be noted;

-      Parking Tariffs (appendix 12 and addendum) - the further updated proposal be updated for implementation.

-      All other proposals including updated proposals set out in addenda to the report, be approved for implementation.

09/02/2018 - Adult Social Care 2018/19 Fee Setting (Non-Key)

The Cabinet considered a proposed Adult Social Care commissioning strategy for care homes, nursing care and home care provision and agreed that


·           the approach and recommended fee levels for 2018/19 detailed within the report with respect to both residential, nursing and home support services in the Borough be endorsed and approved;

·           the re-commissioning approach to home support services in 2018/19, and in particular the implementation of an ethical framework for care as detailed in the report be endorsed and approved.

20/12/2017 - Medium Term Financial Plan Cabinet Response: Stockport's Growth and Reform Programme

The Cabinet considered an update on the latest iteration of the Cabinet response to the medium term pressures presented within the Medium Term Financial Plan, including a series of proposals (originally discussed at July, August and October Cabinet) which have recently undergone consultation or further development, and agreed that:


(1) the report and the progress on the growth and reform programme outlined within the Medium Term Financial Plan Cabinet Response report and the considerations outlined within section 3 in relation to consultation, workforce implications and equality implications be noted.


(2) in relation to the following specific proposals set out in appendices 4-7 of the report:


(i)     Children and Young Peoples Proposals (appendix 4)


·         the consultation responses be noted and the updated proposals be approved for implementation;

·         the commitment in relation to the Free School Bus Passes proposal to review existing arrangements and return to Cabinet in February with further detail on mitigating actions be noted;

·         the intention to consult with the Children & Families Scrutiny Committee on the Equality Impact Assessment for the KITE service proposal prior to consideration by the Cabinet in February be noted.


(ii)    Parking Charges (appendix 5):


following consideration of the responses and concerns raised through the consultation process it be agreed to:


·         arrange for officers to meet with the groups and individuals who have contacted the council to review detailed proposals and alternatives before implementation, assessing potential alternatives which will generate similar levels of savings;

·         review tariffs annually to assess income levels and  impact upon car park usage and displacement onto residential streets;


(iii)  Income Recovery and Cost Recovery (appendix.6):


·         approval be given to the updated proposal for implementation


(iv)  Information, Advice and Guidance (appendix 7):


·         the consultation responses be noted and the updated proposal be approved for implementation.


(3) That the commitment to submit a further report to Cabinet in February 2017 relating to proposal for Adult Social Care and Public Health be noted.

15/11/2017 - Medium Term Financial Plan - Adult Social Care and Public Health transformation and spending proposals 2018/19 (LDR57)

The Cabinet considered Inclusive Growth and Reform proposals for adult social care and public health to address funding pressures from 2018/19 and then noted those proposals as set out in Section 5 of the report, and the commitment to share detailed proposals with the relevant scrutiny committees in November 2017.

04/10/2017 - Inclusive Growth and Reform Programme: Update (LDR57)

The Cabinet considered and update on its Inclusive Growth and Reform Programme, including details of proposals for additional spending reductions and proposals for a Council Tax increase needed to set a balanced budget, and agreed that


·         the progress as outlined within the report be noted;

·         that the recommendation relating to Council Tax and the Social Care precept outlined in section 2 of the report be noted;

·         that the commitment to submit further proposals relating to Adult Social Care in section 3 of the report be noted;

·         that the budget proposals presented in section 3 and annex 4 of the report be noted.




15/08/2017 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2017 (LDR57)

A joint report (copies of which had been circulated) of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Finance and Devolution) and Cabinet Member for Reform and Governance was submitted setting out the Medium Term Financial Plan update which is in two parts:-


·         Medium Term Financial Plan Summer Review


·         Medium Term Financial Plan Cabinet Response: Stockport’s Growth and Reform Programme.