Issue - decisions

Future of the Section 48 AGMA Grants Scheme

20/12/2017 - Closure of the Section 48 AGMA Grants Scheme

The Cabinet considered the outcome of a consultation on the possible closure of the AGMA Section 48 Grant scheme and the development of a new funding programme for culture and social impact under the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and agreed that


·         the outcome and mitigating actions of the completed consultation on the proposed closure of the grants programme be noted;

·         authorisation be given to the closure of the Section 48 Grants scheme, noting that it would be replaced by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority Culture and Social Impact Programme.

14/06/2017 - Future of the Section 48 AGMA Grants Scheme

The Cabinet considered a proposal from the AGMA Executive Board to begin a consultation on closing the current Section 48 Grants Scheme with a view to its replacement by a new scheme under the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and agreed the following:-


·         the case for closure of the current Section 48 AGMA Grants programme be noted and authorisation be given for a consultation on closure of the scheme to be undertaken by AGMA to inform a final decision on closure to be taken at a later date;

·         the development of a new funding programme for culture, under the GMCA, as a potential replacement for the Section 48 Scheme be supported;

·         the intention to run the consultation for a new Combined Authority programme for culture at the same time as the consultation on closure of the Section 48 scheme be noted.