Issue - decisions

Medium Term Financial Plan – Executive Proposals

06/09/2011 - Medium Term Financial Plan – Executive Proposals

The Executive Meeting considered proposals to meet the Council’s ongoing savings requirements and has:-


·         agreed the savings proposals as set out in the report and listed in Appendix Two for consultation;

·         requested the Chief Executive and Corporate Directors, in consultation with the relevant Executive Councillors, to undertake the appropriate consultation exercises and to develop implementation plans, including impact and risk assessments, to facilitate the delivery of the proposals set out in this report by April 2012;

·         agreed that following the completion of consultation the proposals be re-submitted for the Executive’s approval at its meeting in December 2011;

·         agreed to continue with the steps necessary to agree a final balanced budget proposal for 2012/13 and an updated Medium Term Financial Plan to 2014/15 for presentation to the Council budget meeting in February 2012; and

·         requested that a report be submitted to all scrutiny committees in the next cycle outlining the savings proposals relating to each Scrutiny Committee’s remit.