Issue - decisions

Constitutional Changes - Executive Scheme of Delegation

16/11/2016 - Constitutional Changes - Executive Scheme of Delegation

The Executive recommended to the Council Meeting to approve the following changes needed to Part 3 (Appendix 9) of the Constitution to reflect current practice:


·           Change in Scheme of Delegation to include a delegation Deputy Chief Executive to sign severance agreements on behalf of the Council.

·           Change in Scheme of Delegation  to include a delegation to  the Head of Legal and Democratic Governance  to procure contracts for goods and services supplied direct to Legal Services

·           Change in Scheme of Delegation to include a delegation to the Corporate Director (Place and Regeneration) the function of the Council as local housing authority and disabled facilities grants.

·           Change in Scheme of Delegation to include a delegation to the Deputy Chief Executive in relation to Domestic Homicide Reviews.