Issue - decisions

Bosdenfold Road & Bosden Avenue, Hazel Grove

08/06/2016 - Bosdenfold Road & Bosden Avenue, Hazel Grove

The Area Committee to consider a proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit on Bosden Fold Road, Bosden Avenue and Meadow Croft to improve safety for pupils and parents at St Simon’s RC Primary School and gave approval to the statutory legal advertising of the following Traffic Regulation Order and, subject to no objections being received within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the Order at a cost of approximately £1,770 to be funded from the Area Committee Delegated Budget (Hazel Grove Ward allocation):-


20 MPH Speed Limit:


Bosden Fold Road


Both sides, from a point level with the projected Westerly property line of No. 30 in an Easterly direction to a point level with the projected Easterly property line of No. 49.


Bosden Avenue


Both sides from its junction with Bosden Fold Road in a Southerly direction to its cu-de-sac end.        


Meadow Croft


Both sides from its junction with Bosden Fold Road in a Northerly direction to cover the full extent of Adopted Highway.


Extend No Waiting at Any Time:


Bosden Fold Road


South side from point 15 metres West of the Westerly kerb line of Bosden Avenue in a Westerly direction for a distance of 2.5 metres.