Issue - decisions

Short Street and Lyme Street, Hazel Grove

05/09/2016 - Short Street and Lyme Street, Hazel Grove

The Executive Councillor (Communities & Housing) has approved the legal advertising of the following traffic regulation order and subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, the order being made at an estimated cost of £750 to be funded from the Executive Strategic Budget:-


Revoke No Waiting at Any Time / No Loading Monday to Friday 7.30 – 9.30am & 4.00 – 6.30pm:

Short Street

Both sides from a point 1.5 metres North West of the projected North Westerly kerb line of Lyme Street in a South Easterly direction to its Adopted limit (a distance of approx. 8 metres).


Lyme Street

From a point 1 metre South West of the projected North Easterly building line of the premises at No’s 2 – 6 in a North Easterly direction to Short Street (a distance of approx. 5 metres).


Introduce Prohibition of Driving:

Lyme Street

From a point 1 metre South West of the projected North Easterly building line of the premises at No’s 2 – 6 in a South Westerly direction to its cul-de-sac end (a distance of approx. 11 metres).


Introduce No Waiting at Any Time:

Short Street

North Easterly side from a point 4 metres South East of the South Easterly kerb line of Commercial Road in a South Easterly direction to the Adopted limit (a distance of approx. 21 metres).


Introduce No Waiting at Any Time and No Loading at Any Time:

Short Street

South Westerly side from a point from a 1.5 metres North West of the projected North Westerly kerb line of Lyme Street in a South Easterly direction to its Adopted limit (a distance of approx. 8 metres).


Lyme Street

From a point 1 metre South West of the of the projected North Easterly building line of the premises at No’s 2 – 6 in a North Easterly direction to Short Street (a distance of approx. 5 metres) and to tie in with said restriction above.


Not forming part of the Traffic Regulation Order a bollard to be erected off Short Street as indicated on attached drawing number: NM8_4892_002.


Stepping Hill Area Committee supported the proposals.