Issue - decisions

Obstruction to Highways Policies

29/11/2013 - Amendments to the 'A Board' Policy

The Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) has agreed to change the “Advertising Boards and Trade Goods on the Highway -Obstructions Policy” in order to enable the Traffic Management and Streetworks Co-ordination Engineer to better coordinate the use of the footway for the display of A-boards and protect pedestrians with disabilities.


The amendment to Appendix 1 of the Policy, “Controls Regarding the Placement of A-Boards on the Highway” s is set out in italics below:-


“A boards must be placed at the back of the footway against the outside wall of the business being advertised – unless alternative arrangements have been agreed for the section of highway in question with the Traffic Management and Streetworks Co-ordination Engineer. An example of this would be where it is more practical for A boards to be on the edge of the footway in line with bollards/ street lighting but not obstructing the visibility from crossing points or the use of street furniture as described below. Such arrangements will be in a way so as to not create a slalom effect which has the potential to confuse guide dogs and impede people with disabilities.


The policy can be found online at

24/10/2012 - Appeals Process for Obstruction to Highways Policies

Pursuant to the decision of the Executive on 20 August 2012 in delegating the decision on the appeals process for matters relating to the Obstruction to Highways Policies,  the Chief Executive (on behalf of the Service Director (Place Management)) in consultation with the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) approved the following:-


·         Advertisement boards (A boards) and skips, containers and hoardings – appeals to be considered by the Head of Engineering Services on behalf of the Service Director (Place Management)

·         Highway Cafes and Goods on the pavement – appeals to be considered by the Licensing, Environment & Safety Committee.


Such appeals being based on consideration of the information made available by the applicant and the relevant adopted policy of the Council if requested by the applicant.


The Constitution Working Party had supported this approach.


22/08/2012 - Update Report on Draft Obstructions Policy for Highways (TR44)

The Executive Meeting considered and approved the following amended policies and the associated changes to the licensing:-


·         Highway Obstruction; Advertising Boards and Trade Goods on the Highway – Obstructions; Highways Café; Control of Skips, Containers, Scaffolding and Hoardings on the Highway policies be approved;




·         authorised the Service Director (Place Management) to agree the appeals arrangements separately from the agreement of the policies, in consultation with the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) following consideration by the Constitution Working Party.