Issue - decisions

Wenlock Close & Turnstone Road, Offerton

10/06/2015 - Wenlock Close & Turnstone Road, Offerton

The Area Committee considered proposals to regularise the on-site No Waiting markings at the junction of Turnstone Road and Wenlock Close, Offerton for which no Traffic Regulation Order was in place and have agreed:-


(1)  That the following Traffic Regulation Order be approved for advertising, and that subject to no objections being received within the advertising period, the Order be made:-


No Waiting at Any Time:


Turnstone Road


West side from a point 10 metres North of the Northerly kerb line of Wenlock Close in a Southerly direction to a point 10 metres South of the Southerly kerb line of Wenlock Close.


Wenlock Close


Both sides from the Westerly kerb line of Turnstone Road for a distance of 10 metres in a Westerly direction.


(2) That the costs of the making of the Order be met from the central budget.