Issue - decisions

Warren Avenue, Cheadle

18/12/2014 - Warren Avenue, Cheadle

Further to the decision made by the Cheadle Area Committee (ACEDC447), the Executive Councillor has approved the amendment of the wording of the description of the restriction:

Proposed Permit Holders Parking Only Monday – Saturday 8am – 6pm


Warren Avenue, Cheadle, north east & north west side, from a point 30 metres south east of the south easterly kerb line of Gatley Road to a point 25 metres south west of the south westerly kerb line of Wilmslow Road.


Warren Avenue, Cheadle, south west and south east side, from a point 30 metres south east of the south easterly kerb line of Gatley Road to a point 31 metres south west of the south westerly kerb line of Wilmslow Road.


The Ward Spokesperson supported the proposal.

10/12/2014 - Permit Parking Scheme - Warren Avenue, Cheadle

The Area Committee has approved the following Traffic Regulation Order for Permit Holders Only Parking at an approximate cost of £1,150 to be funded from the Parking Revenue Budget:-


Proposed Permit Holders Parking Only Monday – Saturday 8.00am – 6.00pm


Warren Avenue, Cheadle - both sides from a point 30 metres south east of the south easterly kerb line of Gatley Road for the remainder of its adopted length in a south easterly then north easterly direction.