Issue - decisions

Woodsmoor lane & Moorland Road, Woodsmoor

12/03/2014 - Woodsmoor Lane & Moorland Road, Woodsmoor

The Area Committee has approved the following Traffic Regulation Order and other measures to improve safety on Woodsmoor Lane and Moorland Road, Woodsmoor, at a cost of £950 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management Delegated Budget (Stepping Hill Ward allocation):-


No Waiting at Any Time


Woodsmoor Lane


North side from a point 12 metres West of the projected Westerly kerb line of Flowery Field in a North Easterly direction to a point 24 metres North East of the projected Easterly kerb line of Flowery Field.


South side from a point 10 metres West of the Westerly kerb line of Flowery Field in a North Easterly direction to a point 32 metres North East of the Easterly kerb line of Flowery Field.


Flowery Field


West side from the South Westerly kerb line of Woodsmoor Lane for a distance of 10 metres in a Southerly direction.


East side from the South Westerly kerb line of Woodsmoor Lane for a distance of 15 metres in a Southerly direction.


Moorland Road


North side from the South Easterly kerb line of Woodsmoor Lane for a distance of 13 metres (following the kerb line) in a South then Easterly direction.


South side from the South Easterly kerb line of Woodsmoor Lane for a distance of 20 metres in an Easterly direction.


Not forming part of the Traffic Regulation Order, the introduction of give way markings and carriageway markings as indicated on the scheme drawing.