Issue - decisions

Changes to the Constitution

19/03/2014 - Changes to the Constitution

The Executive Meeting considered proposed changes to the Constitution, including the comments and recommendation of the Health & Wellbeing Board, and has recommended to the Council Meeting that it


·         consider the comments/ recommendations made by the Constitution Working Party, the Health & Wellbeing Board,  Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee and the Executive in relation to the proposed changes to the Constitution;

·         adopt the proposed amendments as detailed in the report and appendices (with the exception of those relating to the Council Meeting Procedure Rules), subject to the revisions to Article 9 ‘Health & Wellbeing Board’ (appendix 2 of the report) as recommended by the Health & Wellbeing Board;

·         request that the Monitoring Officer review Council Meeting Procedure Rule 26 to ensure it reflects any changes agreed as part of the recommendation above; and,

·         agree that any changes to the Council Meeting Procedure Rules should stand adjourned without discussion to the next ordinary Council Meeting, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 24.2.