Issue - decisions

Schools Local Funding Formula for 2014/15

28/02/2014 - Education Funding Settlement And Local Formula For 2014/15

The Council Meeting has noted the Education Funding Settlement And Local Formula For 2014/15

12/02/2014 - Education Funding Settlement And Local Formula For 2014/15 (LLA6)

The Executive Meeting considered the recommendations of Schools Forum on revisions to the local formula to be used to determine individual budgets for Stockport schools for 2014/15 and agreed that:-


·         the Education Funding Settlement for 2014/15 be noted.

·         approval be given to the amendment of the local formula for 2014/15 as outlined in 6.2 of the report and summarised in the table in 7.2, which will form the basis of the calculation of school budgets and be notified to the Department for Education in accordance with statutory requirement.