Issue - decisions

A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road - Phase Two Consultation Final Report

02/10/2013 - A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road - Phase Two Consultation Final Report (Non-Key)

The Executive Meeting considered the outcome of phase 2 of the public consultation and the subsequent amendments to the proposed A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road and has agreed that


·         the responses to Phase 2 of the A6 to Manchester Relief Road Scheme consultation be noted;

·         the approach taken by the Project Team in responding to the feedback be endorsed; and

·         the changes report arising from the consultation be approved.

19/09/2013 - A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road - Phase Two Consultation Final Report

The Service Director (Major Projects) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing information on the outcome of Phase 2 of the public consultation and the subsequent amendments to the proposed A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road emerging preferred scheme that would inform the submission of the planning application.


The report would be considered by the Executive at its meeting on 1 October 2013.


The Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) (Councillor Iain Roberts) attended the meeting to respond to Members’ questions.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


           How the increase in traffic in areas such as High Lane or Disley would be monitored and whether there were plans to monitor traffic levels in areas such as Romiley after the road had been constructed.

           The road would only be illuminated at night at the junctions.

           The measures taken by the consultants to avoid flooding on the road.

           The measures taken to minimise the noise and visual impact of the road.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.