Issue - decisions

Town Centre Regeneration: Bridgefield Update

14/03/2016 - Redrock - letting of Unit 1

The Corporate Directors for Corporate and Support Services and Place Management & Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Councillors (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) (Economic Development & Regeneration) have agreed to the letting of Unit 1 Redrock to Azzuri Restaurants Ltd in accordance with the attached report.

14/03/2016 - Redrock Development - Appropriation of Land

The Corporate Directors for Corporate and Support Services and Place Management & Regeneration have approved the appropriation of the land shown on the attached plan Technical Services to Planning Purposes in order to utilise the power contained in Section 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

08/07/2015 - Redrock Appointment of Contractor

The Corporate Directors for Corporate and Support Services and for Place Management & Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Councillors (Support & Governance) and (Supporting Places) have agreed to the appointment of Wates Construction under a 2 stage design and build contract for the Redrock development following a competitive tendering process, as detailed in the report accompanying the decision.


(Note: the report contained information ‘not for publication’ in its appendices that was circulated to the Corporate Directors and Executive Councillors only)

03/09/2014 - Town Centre Regeneration - Bridgefield Development - Cinema Lease

The Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services and Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Councillors (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) (Economic Development & Regeneration) have agreed that the agreement for lease with Light Cinema’s LTD for the proposed Cinema at the Bridgefield Development should be executed. This is in accord with the decision of the Executive in December 2013 that delegated authority for the settling of the final terms for the occupational leases for the units at the development.


(Note: the report accompanying the decision contains information ‘not for publication’ in its appendices)

18/12/2013 - Town Centre Regeneration: Bridgefield Development Scheme (EDR15)

The Executive Meeting considered an update on the Bridgefield regeneration project and proposals for delivering the next steps, and has agreed that


(i)            approval be given to the use of prudential borrowing to finance the development at Bridgefield.

(ii)          the acquisition of 42 Princes Street be approved upon the terms contained in the confidential Appendix 2.

(iii)         delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services and the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) and Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) to:


·           progress with the building design and, with the assistance of the Council’s Strategic Property Partner, proceed with the procurement of suitable contractors to deliver the project;

·           to settle the final terms of occupational leases for the proposed tenants of the units;

·           agree any necessary commercial arrangement for the  management of the new multi storey car park and existing Merseyway car parks;

·           re-gear of the lease with Debenhams; 

·           to settle the final terms of any further acquisitions required to facilitate the Bridgefield scheme and, if acquisitions cannot be achieved by agreement to report back to the Executive with proposals for possible compulsory acquisition;

·           to agree the further procurement of consultants as may be required to deliver the scheme; and,

·           to take any action needed to resolve any issues that may hinder the delivery of this project within the planned programme and budget.


(Note: the report contained information ‘not for publication’ within its appendices that had been circulated to executive councillors only)