Issue - decisions

Newby Road Ind. Estate, Hazel Grove

06/11/2013 - The Metropolitan Borough Council of Stockport (Newby Road, Hazel Grove) (Prohibition of Waiting) and (Revocation of Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2013

The Area Committee considered two objections received to proposals to introduce waiting restrictions on the Newby Road Industrial Estate to improve traffic movements and access to the commercial properties and have agreed that, notwithstanding the objections received, the Order be made as advertised.

10/07/2013 - Newby Road Ind. Estate, Hazel Grove

The Area Committee have approved the introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order to address inappropriate parking on the Newby Road Industrial Estate following concerns raised by local businesses. The £2000 cost of the Order is to be funded from the Capital Programme 2013/14


Revoke No Waiting at Any Time:


Newby Road


South side from a point 10 metres South West of the South Westerly kerb line of Lowick Close for a distance of 40 metres in a Westerly direction.


South East side from a point 10 metres North East of the North Easterly kerb line of Lowick Close for a distance of 35 metres in a North Easterly direction.


East side from a point 17 metres North of the Northerly kerb line of the Easterly cul-de-sac part of Newby Road for a distance of 42 metres in a North Westerly direction.


Introduce No Waiting at Any Time:


Newby Road


Both sides from a point 15 metres North West of the projected North Westerly kerb line of Arnside Avenue to a point 15 metres South East of the South Easterly kerb line of Arnside Avenue.


South West side From a point 10 metres North West of the North Westerly kerb line of Levens Road to a point 7 metres South East of the South Easterly kerb line of Levens Road.


South West side from a point 15 metres North West of the North Westerly kerb line of Watchgate to a point 15 metres South East of the South Easterly kerb line of Watchgate.


North East side from a point 14 metres South East of the projected South Easterly kerb line of Watchgate in a South Easterly direction; then North Easterly direction to a point level with the projected South Westerly building line of Unit 45.


Westerly part of the circulatory, East side, from the Northerly kerb line of the Southerly part of the circulatory continuing to the Southerly side of the Northern circulatory to a point 8 metres West of the projected boundary line between the Electricity Sub Station and Unit 38.


Southerly part of the circulatory, North side, from the Easterly kerb line of the Westerly part of the circulatory to a point 70 metres East of the projected South Westerly kerb line of Lowick Close.


Northerly part of the circulatory, North side, from a point 3 metres West of the projected boundary line between the Electricity Sub Station and Unit 38 for a distance of 89 metres in an Easterly direction and to tie in with existing.


Arnside Avenue


Both sides from the North Easterly kerb line of Newby Road for a distance of 15 metres in a North Easterly direction.


Levens Road


Both sides from the South Westerly kerb line of Newby Road for a distance of 10 metres in a South Westerly direction.


North West side from the projected South Westerly building line of Unit 4 in a South Westerly then Westerly direction to a point 3 North West of the projected South Easterly building line of Unit 4.


Subject to additional restrictions on the southerly side of Newby Road in the vicinity of the existing bollards to improve the effectiveness of these measures, with the agreement as to the detailed siting and extent of these additional measures being delegated to the Service Director (Place Management) in consultation with the Ward Spokesperson.