Issue - decisions

The disposal of the site of Rosehill Primary School (The Dale), Walton Drive, Marple

17/03/2014 - Sale of site of former Rosehill Primary School, Walton Drive, Marple to the highest bidder under the revised offer

The Service Director (Legal, Democratic, Property and Information), in consultation with the Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) has approved the sale of the site of the former Rosehill Primary School, Walton Drive, to the previous highest bidder under a revised offer.


In February 2009 the Executive approved the extension and modernisation of the Elmfield Drive location to accommodate the staff and pupils from the Walton Drive location. On 16th July 2013 the Executive agreed to the disposal of the Walton Drive site for residential development to the highest bidder.


Subsequent site investigations by the bidder identified that certain abnormal costs would be incurred in developing the site. The Council has satisfied itself that these abnormal costs are justified.


Additionally, the bidder will lose one unit from the development as a consequence of providing an adoptable highway to simplify the use and development of the Councils retained land in the future, should this be contemplated.


As a result the approved offer as detailed in the exempt appendix to the report has been reduced but still remains higher than the under bidder. In accordance with the provisions of S.123 LGA 1972 (best price) it is appropriate to consider the highest bid made for the purchase of the land.

17/07/2013 - Sale of site of former Rosehill Primary School, Walton Drive, Marple (CCCS2)

The Executive Meeting has approved the disposal for residential development of the site of the former Rosehill Primary School (the Dale Primary School), Walton Drive, Marple to the highest bidder identified as Offer 1 in the Exempt Appendix.


(Note: this report contained information ‘not for publication’ in its appendix that was circulated to executive councillors only)