Issue - decisions

Disposal of the site of Fir Tree Primary School, Reddish

31/03/2014 - The site of the former Fir Tree Primary School, Reddish

The Executive Councillors (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) and (Lifelong Learning & Achievement) have approved the appropriation of the site of the former Fir Tree Primary School, Reddish from the ‘Education Committee’ portfolio to the ‘Housing Committee’ portfolio (Housing Revenue Account) and the conveyance of part of the site to Stockport Homes Limited in order to facilitate the provision of social housing on this site, as per the Executive’s decision on 2 April 2014.

03/04/2013 - Sale of the site of the former Fir Tree Primary School, Reddish (GCS11)

The Executive Meeting has given approval to proceed to disposal of the site of the former Fir Tree Primary School, Reddish to Stockport Homes working in partnership with Seddon Developments for residential development.


The Executive Meeting also requested that the Service Director (Place Development) be requested to prepare, in conjunction with Adults & Communities Scrutiny Committee and relevant partners, a Housing Delivery Plan, to be fully integrated with the Council’s Housing Strategy; existing planning policy and emerging Allocations Plan; setting out where new housing building can be accelerated; likely resource implications; and the role of the Council in facilitating this, to be submitted to the Executive for approval


(NOTE: the report included exempt information ‘Not for Publication’ contained within its appendices that were circulated to executive councillors only)