Issue - decisions

Balmoral Road/Whitelow Road, Heaton Moor

16/01/2013 - Balmoral Road/Whitelow Road, Heaton Moor

The Area Committee approved the following to be funded via the Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management delegated budget (Heatons North ward allocation) at an approximate cost of £650.00:-


Waiting Traffic Orders

I                       Introduce No Waiting At Any Time


Whitelow Road, both sides, from the north easterly kerb line of Balmoral Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction.


                        Balmoral Road, north easterly side, from a point 7 metres south east of the easterly kerb line of Whitelow Road for a distance of 21.5 metres in a westerly direction.


                        Balmoral Road, south westerly side, from a point 3 metres west of the projected westerly kerb line of Balmoral Road to a point 25 metres in a easterly direction.


                        Other Measures

                        Provide a ‘Give Way’ road marking at the junction of Whitelow Road and Balmoral Road, so that vehicles on Whitelow Road give way to vehicles on Balmoral Road.


                        Provide an ‘Access Protection’ mark to the driveway of 34 Balmoral Road.