Issue - decisions

Stockport Exchange - Acquisition 72 / 74 Wellington Road South Use of Compulsory Purchase Order Powers (ER&H11)

19/09/2024 - Stockport Exchange - Acquisition 72 / 74 Wellington Road South Use Of Compulsory Purchase Order Powers (ER&H11)

The Cabinet has considered a report setting out a request to use compulsory purchase powers to acquire the land and buildings comprising 72 / 74 Wellington Road South to enable the delivery of Phases 6 and 7 of the Stockport Exchange regeneration scheme, and has:-


(1) Approve, in principle, the use of compulsory purchase powers, to acquire all the necessary interests in the Site.


(2) Approve the taking of all necessary steps/the carrying out of all necessary work required to establish a case for the making of a CPO, and the preparation of all necessary CPO documentation, including securing the appointment of suitable external advisors.


(3) Approve the continuance of voluntary negotiations with the Landowner, and anyone else with an interest in the Site, in parallel with the preparation of CPO documentation;


(4) Note that a further report will be presented to the Cabinet to approve the making of any CPO following the finalisation of the necessary preparatory work and CPO documentation;


(5) Delegate to the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Governance and the Deputy Chief Executive authority to do all things necessary or incidental to the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions.


(NOTE: Appendices to this report contained information ‘Not for Publication’ which was circulated to members of the Cabinet only).