Issue - decisions

Mile End Lane, Heaviley - Extension of No Waiting Restrictions

21/11/2012 - Mile End Lane, Heaviley - Extension of No Waiting Restrictions

The Area Committee considered proposals for Waiting Restrictions on Mile End Lane, Heaviley to improve visibility for motorists and approved the following elements of a Traffic Regulation Order:-


Extend No Waiting At Any Time


Mile End Lane


South east side from a point 5 metres north east of the north easterly kerb line of Sandhurst Road for a distance of 5 metres in a north easterly direction.


The Area Committee also noted the approval previously given by the Central Stockport Area Committee to those parts of the proposed Order that fell within that Area Committee’s area, and the cost of the Order being met from the Manor Ward delegated budget be noted.

15/10/2012 - Mile End Lane, Heaviley - Extension of No Waiting Restrictions

The Area Committee has approved the extension of the existing No Waiting restrictions on parts of Mile End Lane in Heaviley at an approximate cost of £500 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management Delegated Budget:-


Extend No Waiting at Any Time:


Mile End Lane


North West side from the (projected) south westerly kerb line of Sandhurst Road for a distance of 38 metres in a north easterly direction.


South East side from a point 5 metres north east of the north easterly kerb line of Sandhurst Road for a distance of 5 metres in a north easterly direction.