Issue - decisions

Project Skyline (GM Children’s homes)

06/11/2024 - Project Skyline (GM Children’s homes) (CF&E10)

The Cabinet has considered a report providing an update on Project Skyline  outlining a Greater Manchester proposal to create supply of children’s homes to increase availability of placements for Children Looked After in the GM region for some of the most vulnerable young people, and has:-


(1) Approved in principle that the council can enter into a Partnership Agreement for Skyline as referred to in this report.


(2) Delegated to the Executive Director People and Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Children, Families and Education, Section 151 Officer and the Assistant Director, Legal and Democratic Governance to agree the terms of the Partnership Agreement.


(3) Delegated to the Assistant Director, Legal and Democratic Governance authority to enter into any documentation required to give effect to the Partnership Agreement, including the Partnership Agreement and any related legal agreements referred to in the Partnership Agreement or arising out of the project as a whole.