Issue - decisions

Proposed removal of No Waiting At Any Time Restrictions at Brewer's Green, Hazel Grove

10/10/2012 - Proposed removal of No Waiting At Any Time Restrictions at Brewers' Green, Hazel Grove

The Area Committee has approved the following proposals to revoke sections of No Waiting At Any Time Restrictions on Brewer’s Green, Hazel Grove to improve parking facilities for shoppers, clients to local businesses and residents, at a cost of £600 to be funded from developer contributions:-


Revocation of No Waiting At Any Time


Brewer’s Green


North side from a point 6 metres west of the easterly end of the cul-de-sac for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction.


South side from a point 9.5 metres east of the southerly side of Green Lane for a distance of 21 metres in an easterly direction.