Issue - decisions

Proposed No Waiting at Any Time Restrictions at Stuart Road, Bredbury

10/10/2012 - Proposed No Waiting at Any Time Restrictions at Stuart Road, Bredbury

The Area Committee has given approval to the following scheme at a cost of £570 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management Delegated Budget:-


Restriction of Waiting – ‘No Waiting At Any Time’



Extent of Proposed Restriction



Stuart Road

North side from a point 66 metres from the westerly kerb line of Ashton Road in a westerly direction to the extents of the road, including the extents of the whole turning head.



Stuart Road

South side from a point 157 metres from the westerly kerb line of Ashton Road in a westerly direction to the extents of the road, including the turning head.