Issue - decisions

Mayor's Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund - Romiley District Centre Improvements and Romiley To Stockport Cycling and Walking Route Traffic Regulation Orders

09/07/2024 - Mayor's Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund - Romiley District Centre Improvements and Romiley To Stockport Cycling and Walking Route Traffic Regulation Orders

The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has considered details of a proposed package of traffic regulation orders associated with the ATF4 Romiley project.  The initial proposals were developed under the Mayor’s Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund (MCF) as part of the ‘Romiley District Centre’ and ‘Romiley to Stockport’ packages. These were previously presented along with the consultation reports containing representations by residents and businesses and approved by the Werneth Area Committee at meetings that took place on 8 March and 21 November 2021 respectively.


Following the meeting of the Werneth Area Committee on 4 March 2024, late feedback was received from Active Travel England, which has resulted in the location for the new toucan crossing on Hatherlow needing to be moved 3 metres south of its original proposed location. In addition to this, anomalies have been noted within the traffic regulation order (TRO) schedule presented to the Area Committee.


The amendments to both the plan and TRO Schedule are shown on the revised drawing and detailed in the revised TRO Schedule.


Ward councillors have been consulted on the proposed amendments in advance of their consideration by the Cabinet Member.


The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has subsequently given approval to the legal advertisement of the traffic regulation orders detailed in Appendix A and B to the report and, subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders to be funded by funds availed to Stockport Council from the Active Travel Fund (Tranche 4).