Issue - decisions

Stockport County FC – Memorandum of Understanding

31/01/2024 - Stockport County Football Club – Memorandum of Understanding (Non-Key)

The Cabinet has considered a proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the council and Stockport County Football Club and has:-


(1) Approved the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and Stockport County Football Club to set out how we will work together to deliver our shared objectives; and


(2) Delegated authority to the Director of Development and Regeneration (Place), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources and Economy, Regeneration and Housing, to enter into the Memorandum of Understanding; and


(3) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director (Legal & Democratic Governance), to take such steps and complete such agreements as are necessary to implement the resolutions recommended in this report and any decisions properly made under authority delegated by these resolutions.