Issue - decisions

Proposed School Keep Clear Waiting Restrictions At Woodsmoor Lane, Great Moor

21/11/2012 - The Metropolitan Borough Council Of Stockport (Woodsmoor Lane, Great Moor) (School Clearway) Order 2012

The Area Committee considered an objection received to proposals to introduce school clearway restrictions on Woodsmoor Lane, Great Moor to improve safety and agreed that, notwithstanding the objection received, the Order be made as advertised.

30/08/2012 - Proposed School Keep Clear Waiting Restrictions At Woodsmoor Lane, Great Moor

The Area Committee approved the regularisation of existing waiting restrictions on Woodsmoor Lane in the vicinity of Stockport Grammar School to improve access for Emergency vehicles, at a cost of £700 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management delegated budget:-


No Stopping – Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm on entrance markings


Woodsmoor Lane


West side froma point 15 metres south of Buxton Road for distance of approximately 44 metres in a southerly direction.



The Area Committee further requested that the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) consider funding the legal costs for the advertising of this scheme from the Central budget on the grounds that these restrictions had originally been proposed to be included in the advertising of the wider scheme of traffic management measures for Great Moor.