Issue - decisions

Part B: Cabinet Response: Responding to Our Medium Term Financial Plan

21/09/2023 - Part B: Cabinet Response: Responding to Our Medium Term Financial Plan

The Cabinet considered its response to addressing the uncertainty, volatility and risk outlined within the review of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) with a focus on delivering impactful and outcomes-focused transformational change for communities and businesses across Stockport.  The report further provided an overview of the approach the Cabinet will be taking to respond to the financial impact identified in the Part A report which would involve careful consideration of a series of budget options and some difficult decisions to ensure that the Council continued to have a balanced budget, and has:-


(1) Noted the approach and endorsed the next steps, including agreeing to share with scrutiny, for comment, the proposals which support a resilient and sustainable MTFP; and


(2) Supported the ongoing development of our MTFP response and transformation programme.