Issue - decisions

Bradshaw Hall Phase 5, Cheadle Hulme

03/10/2012 - Bradshaw Hall Phase 5, Cheadle Hulme (GCS4)

The Executive Meeting considered a proposal to dispose of three acres of land at Bradshaw Hall, Cheadle Hulme, known as Phase 5, following the remarketing of the site in 2011 and then agreed:


·         to the disposal of the Bradshaw Hall Phase 5 site to the highest bidder identified in the confidential appendix, subject to the developer agreeing to the provision of affordable housing on the site;

·         that in the event that the highest bidder fails to sign a contract or withdraws that approval be given to proceeding to the second highest bidder identified in the confidential appendix.


(Note: the report included information ‘Not for publication’ contained within its appendix that had been circulated to executive councillors only).