Issue - decisions

Greater Manchester Bee Network Committee

29/06/2023 - Greater Manchester Bee Network Committee (PH&T2)

The Cabinet has considered proposed changes to the governance arrangements for transport in Greater Manchester and has:-


(1) Given approval to the following insofar as they relate to the discharge of executive functions:-


(i) Agreed to the establishment of a new joint transport committee (the Bee Network Committee) of the GMCA, the Mayor and the ten Greater Manchester constituent councils.


(ii) Approved the appointment of members to the Bee Network Committee, as set out in Appendix 1, specifically appointing Councillor Grace Baynham to the Committee and Councillor Mark Roberts as the substitute member.


(iii) Approved the Terms of Reference of the Bee Network Committee as set out in Appendix 2.


(iv) Noted the delegation of the functions of the GMCA as set out in the Terms of Reference to the Bee Network Committee and noted the delegation of Mayoral functions as set out in the Terms of Reference, attached at Appendix 2.


(v) Agreed the delegation of the functions of the Local Authority Constituent Councils as set out in the terms of Reference, attached at Appendix 2 (which for the avoidance of doubt are the same delegations given to the former Transport Committee).


(vi) Approved the Rules of Procedure for the Bee Network Committee as set out in Appendix 3.


(2) Recommended that the Council Meeting also gives approval to the above recommendations insofar as they relate to the discharge of non-executive functions.