Issue - decisions

Marple Active Communities Hub

29/06/2023 - Marple Active Communities Hub

The Cabinet considered the Marple Active Communities Hub providing an update on the progress being made on the delivery of the new Marple Active Communities Hub, the status of the existing Marple Swimming Pool and the

next steps for the delivery of the scheme and agreed to:-


·         Note the contents of the report and progress on the Marple Active Communities Hub, and that Cabinet approve the approach to the development of the project and to enter into agreements to achieve this, as required.

·         Give approval to undertake the proposed community engagement activities outlined in part 5 of the report.

·         Delegate authority to the Director of Development and Regeneration (Place) and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Resources and Economy, Regeneration and Housing to enter into any Grant Funding Agreement or Memorandums of Understanding with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, or any other government department or government organisation required to deliver the scheme.

·         Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to allocate Council Capital Resources to support the required funding match as part of any Grant Funding Agreements or Memorandums of Understanding.

·         Delegate authority to the Director of Development and Regeneration (Place) and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Resources and Economy, Regeneration and Housing, to approve the undertaking of any required procurement activities to allow the appointment of any professional services consultants or construction contractors.

·         Delegate authority to the Director of Development and Regeneration (Place) and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Resources and Economy, Regeneration and Housing, to approve the entering of any contracts required for the appointment of any professional services consultants or Construction Contractors and bring forth any necessary planning applications related to the delivery of Marple Community Hub and the wider project, including the related Transport and Highways works contained in the LUF funding bid.

·         Delegate authority for the Director of Development and Regeneration (Place), Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services) and the Assistant Director (Legal & Democratic Governance), in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Resources and Economy, Regeneration and Housing, to take the necessary steps to implement the strategies set out in this report.

·         Give approval for the release of up to £2 million in funding to allow the scheme to progress up to the conclusion of the second stage tender process, at which point a further report will be brought to cabinet to seek approval to conclude the second stage tender process and formally enter contract with a delivery partner.

·         Give approval for the development and implementation of two enabling works packages, which include the demolition of the former Marple Swimming Pool and current Marple Library buildings to enable the Marple Community Hub project to be brought forward at pace. Give approval for the establishment of an interim Marple Library provision during the construction phase of the project.

·         Approve that officers develop, consult, and seek approval for Highway works directly required for the development proposals along with wider supporting sustainable travel improvements in the Town Centre to be separately funded by further bids.

·         Approve that officers develop, consult, and seek approval for Traffic Regulation Orders, Parking Place Orders, Controlled Crossings and Traffic Calming as necessary for Orders directly required for the development.