Issue - decisions

Greek Street and Stockholm Bridges

01/11/2023 - Greek Street and Stockholm Bridges (PH&T3)

The Cabinet has considered a report detailing the work undertaken to date to develop the design for the replacement Greek Street and Stockholm Road Bridges; a summary overview of highway network considerations following the closure of the bridge during Network Rail’s bridge renewal and replacement works; and a proposed way forward and timescales for the works, and has:-


(1) Authorised the Director of Place Management to continue to work with Network Rail and TfGM on the proposed replacement of the Greek Street Bridge on basis of the proposal detailed at Section 3.2 of the report including authority to develop and consult on a new highway layout over the Greek Street bridge.


(2) Authorised the Director of Place Management to work with Network Rail and TfGM to develop the design for the Stockholm Road bridge within on the basis of the ‘Option 2’ proposal detailed at Section 3.5 of the report.


(3) Requested that the Director of Place Management work with Network Rail and their contactor to manage and mitigate the highway and rail impacts of the bridge replacements during construction as detailed in Section 5 of the report.


(4) Given approval to the development, consultation and submission of the associated package of highway, cycle, and pedestrian improvements as part of CRSTS process following appropriate engagement and approvals from the Central Stockport Area Committee and Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways and Transport Services.


(5) Given approval to the use of £1.9m of CRSTS strategic maintenance funding to pay the council’s required contribution to the replacement of both structures and the £4.1m contribution of CRSTS funding towards the enhancements at Stockholm Road bridge.