Issue - decisions

Proposed Closure of St Mary's RC Primary School

07/12/2022 - Proposed Closure of St Mary's RC Primary School (CF&E4)

The Cabinet has noted that in January 2022 St Mary’s RC Primary School, Heaton Norris received an inadequate judgement from OFSTED and was placed into special measures. As a consequence of being placed into special measures the Diocese of Salford were issued an Academy Order under the Academies Act 2010.  Subsequently, the Diocese of Salford notified Stockport Council that they believed St Mary’s RC Primary School, Heaton Norris, to be unviable and as such have requested to work with the Council to start the statutory proceedings to close the school.


The Cabinet has therefore:-


(1) Committed to public engagement and consultation over whether the Council should publish a statutory proposal to formally close the school.


(2) Delegated authority to the Council’s Chief Executive, Corporate Director for People, and Director of Education to determine whether the Council should proceed to stage 2 and 3 of the Statutory process (as described in Section 8.2 of the report), ‘Publication’ and ‘Representation’.