The Health and Care Integrated Commissioning Board is a Joint Committee of the Council and NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
It has been established as part of the Section 75 agreement to establish a pooled budget between Social Care and Health with the aim of cutting across organisational boundaries, improving the health and well-being of people in Stockport and providing better value for money.
The Health and Care Integrated Commissioning Board (HCICB) is the vehicle through which both organisations will discharge their commissioning responsibilities in respect of the pooled funds and through which integrated commissioning arrangements will be developed.
The membership of the Board is made up of three representatives of the Council’s Cabinet and three of the CCG Governing Body.
The Board will meet in public and will ordinarily be webcast.
Support officer: Georgia Latham. (0161 474 3229)
Postal address:
c/o Democratic Services
Town Hall
Phone: 0161 474 3216