The Service Director
(Place Management) submitted a report of the Corporate Director for
Place Management and Regeneration (copies of which had been
circulated) detailing the proposed savings in relation to the
Communities and Sustainability, and Economic Development and
Regeneration Portfolios and the responses to the consultation
detailed in Appendices 1, 2 and 3 to the report.
The Executive
Councillor (Communities and Sustainability) (Councillor Stuart
Bodsworth) and Executive Councillor (Economic Development and
Regeneration) (Councillor Iain Roberts) attended the meeting to
respond to Members’ questions.
Councillor Bodsworth
reiterated that he had announced at the Council Meeting held on 27
June 2013 that he would be recommending to the Executive Meeting on
16 July 2013 that the savings target for the Parks and Open Spaces
Budget for 2014/15 be reduced from £1 million to between
£500,000 and £550,000.
It was reported that
the Executive would consider the comments of the Scrutiny
Committees on 16 July 2013 when it would receive an update report
in relation to the Executive Savings Proposals.
The following comments
were made/issues raised:-
Parks and Open Spaces Budget Saving.
- Members welcomed the
announcement from the Executive Councillor (Communities and
Sustainability) that the savings target for the Parks and Open
Spaces budget would be reduced from £1million to between
£500,000 and £550,000 for 2014/15.
- In response to
Members’ questions, the Executive Councillor (Communities and
Sustainability) advised that he could not clarify at this moment in
time whether the savings target for the Parks and Open Spaces
budget would be reduced to £500,000 or £550,000. The
details of the revised proposal were still being examined. The
proposed reduction in the savings target was a response to the
views expressed by members of the public. Consultation had taken
place a long time in advance of when the proposed savings would
come into effect (April 2014).
- Concern was expressed
about the proposed move from having many trained horticulturalists
to more general multi-tasking staff.
- A Member expressed
concern about the amount of money spent on the parks and open
spaces consultation.
- The Council should be
working with the Friends of Parks Groups, involved them earlier in
the consultation process and investing where it could in the
borough’s parks.
- The Committee
considered the response to the consultation from the Director of
Public Health and acknowledged the broad benefits to public health
and community cohesion from parks and open spaces, and the benefits
to people’s health and wellbeing. There were ‘added
value’ benefits to the borough from its parks.
- Members expressed
appreciation for the work carried by the volunteers from the
Friends of Parks Groups and the benefits of bidding for additional
funds for the parks through the Friends of Parks Groups. The
Executive Councillor (Communities and Sustainability) confirmed
that Council Officers would continue to support Friends of Parks
Groups in making bids for funding.
- Members extolled the
virtues of the borough’s parks, including the Green Flags
previously awarded to a number of the parks and the borough’s
success in the National Britain in Bloom Competition in 2005.
- The Executive
Councillor (Communities and Sustainability) offered to works with
the Friends of Parks Groups and consider suggestions for the parks
and open spaces in the context of the financial situation facing
the Council.
- The use of
‘Section 106’ monies from development applications was
highlighted as a possible means of replacing play equipment in the
borough’s parks.
Trading Standards Consumer Advice Budget Saving
- The greater number of
responses to the consultation received from staff employed in the
Trading Standards Consumer Advice section was highlighted compared
to staff employed in the Parks and Open Spaces section.
- Clarification was
sought and provided on the work carried out by the Citizens Advice
Bureaux’ Consumer Services and the National Consumer Advice
Leisure Centres Financial Performance Budget Saving.
- Concern was expressed
that Life Leisure had advised the Council that they would not be
able to find the £160,000 saving required for 2013/14 without
compromising existing service standards and because of the
increased competition from budget gyms.
the report be noted and the above comments be reported to the
Executive for consideration.