Agenda item

Horizon Scanning

Representatives of Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group and Public Health and other services/ organisations in attendance will be invited to provide a brief overview of the changes to health service since 1 April 2013 including identifying any emerging issues.


The Chair invited representatives of the Public Health Service, the Clinical Commissioning Group, the Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing) and HealthWatch Stockport to provide a brief update and overview of their services since the reorganisation of the Health Service came into effect on 1 April 2013. In particular the Chair invited contributors to identify any emerging issues.


Public Health


Dr Stephen Watkins (Director of Public Health) and Donna Sager (Deputy Director of Public Health) provided an update that included the following:-


·         A review was being undertaken into the value for money of existing Public Health contracts.

·         Work was underway to look at the Health Check process and enhanced services, such as those provided through pharmacies; to revisit and re-launch the Stockport Health Promise; to develop a physical health strategy; to address health inequalities more effectively through the Neighbourhood Management arrangements; bringing forward proposals in relation to reducing tobacco use.

·         The website had been launched to complement the integrated Lifestyle Service.

·         Vaccination programmes were now commissioned through Public Health England. Stockport had traditionally been very successful in its programmes.


Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)


Gaynor Mullins (Chief Operating Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group) circulated a copy of the CCG Outcome Indicator Spine Chart that compared performance locally against a national performance for a basket of indicators that the CCG would be assessed against. A verbal update was also provided that included the following:-


·         The CCG had been in operation for 7 weeks. Although it did not have responsibility for commissioning GP services, it did have a duty to monitor quality and was shortly planning to implement a ‘GP Scorecard’.

·         Performance in relation to admissions for chronic and acute conditions was a CCG and Foundation Trust priority. The challenge would be to engage GPs to develop care plans for those with chronic conditions to ensure more appropriate care.

·         Work was continuing on health and social care integration through such activities as the Stockport One service. The development of the Healthier Together programme would have an impact on this work.

·         Significant progress had been made to improve C Difficile infection rates.


Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing)


Councillor John Pantall (Executive Councillor) provided an update and highlighted the following areas of interest:-


·         Importance of promoting healthy ageing.

·         Improving the health of the workforce.

·         Understanding and addressing the wider determinants of health and ill-health.

·         The need to develop a common understanding of ‘prevention’.

·         The portfolio had acquired responsibility for the Leisure Strategy and it was hoped to develop a more inclusive definition of leisure that would embrace the whole population, not simply focus on buildings and pitches.


HealthWatch Stockport


John Leach (Chair of HealthWatch Stockport) reported that building on the work of Stockport LINk, it was the intention of HealthWatch to improve its outreach and public engagement activity and to create clearer accountability and responsibility within the organisation.


The following issues were raised:-


·         The importance of greater focus on lifestyle and preventative activity, be that relating to physical health or mental health, was stressed, although it was recognised that this may take time to show improvement.

·         Greater focus was needed on mental wellbeing (as opposed to ill-health) and promoting resilience and work toward that was welcomed.

·         Health inequalities were highlighted as a particular concern and the danger that the priority given to reducing them could be lost during periods of change and transition.

·         Concern was expressed about rates of unplanned hospitalisations for asthma diabetes and epilepsy in under 19s. In response it was stated that this was being investigated and that one of the possible causes could be the mis-coding of admissions. It was also recognised that more could be done to provide a more effective paediatric outreach service.


RESOLVED – (1) That the reports be noted and those providing updates be thanked for their contribution.


(2) That the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee be informed that this Committee would wish to undertake three specific pieces of work in relation to the following issues and that these should be included in the Scrutiny Work Programme for 2013/14:-


·         Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services

·         Access to Dentistry

·         Tackling obesity and promoting physical activity


(3) That the Democratic Services Manager be requested to make arrangements for the following items to be considered at future Scrutiny Committee meetings, including inviting appropriate representatives from the Council or NHS organisations:-


·         Stockport One and service transformation progress update

·         Mental Wellbeing and anxiety

·         Vaccinations and the role of Public Health England (February 2014)

·         Causes of unplanned admissions for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy in under 19s

·         Effectiveness of controlling the spread of infections (once data was available)