Agenda item

Appointment of Ordinary Committees, Area Committees, Working Parties and Other Member Bodies

To appoint Committees, Area Committees, Working Parties and other Member bodies.


RESOLVED - That Ordinary Committees, Area Committees, Working Parties and other Member bodies be constituted as follows for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting and with terms of reference as set out in the Constitution:-


(a)    Ordinary Committees


(i)     Planning and Highways Regulation


        12 Councillors


Geoff Abell

Anna Charles-Jones

Liz Crix

Sue Glithero

Graham Greenhalgh

Mark Jones (Chair)

Micheala Meikle

Wendy Meikle

Mike Newman

John Taylor

Kerry Waters

Rachel Wise (Vice-Chair)


(ii)    Licensing, Environment and Safety


        10 Councillors


Shan Alexander (Chair)

Grace Baynham

Asa Caton

Dickie Davies (Vice-Chair)

Dean Fitzpatrick

    Helen Foster-Grime

Dallas Jones

Holly McCormack

Pete West

David Wilson


Sub-Committee A


        3 Councillors


Shan Alexander

Dickie Davies (Chair)

Dean Fitzpatrick


        Sub-Committee B


        3 Councillors


Asa Caton

Helen Foster-Grime (Chair)

Peter West


Substitutes on the Sub-Committees to be members of the Licensing,

Environment and Safety Committee.


(iii)    Employment Appeals


        3 non-Cabinet Councillors


Shan Alexander (Chair)

Paul Wright

Matt Wynne


 (iv)  Appeals Panel

        (Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


        6 non-Cabinet Councillors


Shan Alexander

Ian Hunter

James Frizzell

Holly McCormack

Dallas Jones

Karl Wardlaw


(v)    Appointments


        9 Councillors


Anna Charles-Jones

Christine Carrigan

Colin Foster

Mark Hunter (Chair)

Jilly Julian

Gary Lawson

David Meller

Mark Roberts (Vice-Chair)

Matt Wynne


 (vi)  Audit


        6 Councillors


Jake Austin

Jon Byrne

Sue Glithero (Chair)

Carole McCann (Vice-Chair)

Ian Powney

Alex Wynne


(vii)   Member Committee


        7 Councillors


Anna Charles-Jones

James Frizzell

Colin MacAlister

David Meller

Mark Roberts (Chair)

John Taylor

Matt Wynne

(viii)  Standards

        (Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


        5 Councillors


Asa Caton

Anna Charles-Jones

Liz Crix

Dan Oliver

Paul Wright


5 Independent Members - Julie Carter, Stephen Clarke, Kieran McMahon and Andrew Stewart (one vacancy)

        2 Independent Persons – Mark Iveson and Val Cottam


        Standards Sub-Committee

        (Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


The sub-committee will comprise of 5 members including at least 1 independent member and 3 councillors.  Where at least 1 independent member or councilor would have been present but for the fact that he or she has a prejudicial interest in the business to be transacted the quorum for the meeting shall be any 3 members.


Terms of Reference


The Council Meeting will establish a sub-committee at which a member complained of can respond to the investigation report and the sub-committee can determine whether the member had failed to comply with the Code of Conduct and what action is appropriate.


(b)    Joint Committees


 (i)    Board of STaR Procurement Service


        1 councillor


        Jilly Julian


(ii)    Association of Greater Manchester Authorities


        1 councillor


        Mark Hunter

        Substitute:       Mark Roberts


(c)    Area Committees and Ward Committees


(i)         Area Committees  (Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South


9 Councillors


Helen Foster-Grime

Keith Holloway

Mark Hunter

Dallas Jones

Mark Jones

Jeremy Meal

Ian Powney

Suzanne Wyatt

Alex Wynne


Central Stockport


12 Councillors


Jon Byrne

Christine Carrigan

Asa Caton

Laura Clingan

Dickie Davies

Sue Glithero

Leah Taylor

Karl Wardlaw

Kerry Waters

Wendy Wild

Paul Wright

Matt Wynne




9 Councillors


Anna Charles-Jones

Graham Greenhalgh

Ian Hunter

Jilly Julian

Carole McCann

David Meller

Tom Morrison

Mike Newman

Catherine Stuart


Heatons and Reddish


12 Councillors


Liz Crix

Dean Fitzpatrick

Colin Foster

James Frizzell

Gary Lawson

Holly McCormack

Dena Ryness

David Sedgwick

John Taylor

Claire Vibert

David Wilson

Rachel Wise




6 Councillors


Geoff Abell

Shan Alexander

Steve Gribbon

Colin MacAlister

Micheala Meikle

Aron Thornley


Stepping Hill


9 Councillors


Jake Austin

Grace Baynham

Will Dawson

Dominic Hardwick

Helen Hibbert

Wendy Meikle

Dan Oliver

Frankie Singleton

Pete West




6 Councillors


Joe Barratt

Rosemary Barratt

Angie Clark

Mark Roberts

Lisa Smart

Sue Thorpe


(d)    Working Parties and Other Member Bodies


(i)     Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education


        3 Councillors             


Holly McCormack

Mike Newman

Sue Thorpe


together with representatives of the Corporate Director for People the Church of England, the Teachers’ Panel and such Christian and other religious denominations as will appropriately reflect the principal religious traditions in the Borough.


Terms of Reference


To advise the Cabinet upon such matters connected with religious worship in schools and the religious education to be given in accordance with an agreed syllabus as the Cabinet may refer to the Standing Advisory Council or as the Standing Advisory Council may see fit.


(ii)    Corporate Parenting Working Party


        7 Councillors(Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


Jake Austin

Angie Clark

Colin Foster

James Frizzell

Helen Hibbert

Carole McCann

Edgeley Community Assoc vacancy


Terms of Reference


To advise the Cabinet on the role of the Council as a 'Corporate Parent'.


(iii)    Town Centre/ M60 Gateway Task Force


        8 Councillors


Christine Carrigan

Anna Charles-Jones

Mark Hunter

Gary Lawson

Mark Jones

Colin MacAlister (Chair)

David Meller

Matt Wynne


Terms of Reference


To advise the Cabinet on and oversee the regeneration of the Town Centre and the M60 Gateway area.


(iv)      Schools Forum


Non-schools members


          1 non-Cabinet elected member (Councillor Colin Foster)

          1 Diocesan representative

          1 Trades union/professional association representative

          1 Vulnerable Children representative

          1 Post 16 representative

          1 PVI Early Years sector


          Schools members


          5 Primary head teachers – including 1 from a VA school

          5 Primary governors – including 1 from a VA school

          3 Secondary head teachers - including 1 from a VA school

          2 Secondary governors - including 1 from a VA school

          1 Special school head teacher

          1 Nursery head teacher

          1 PRU head teacher

          2 Academy representatives


Terms of Reference


To advise the Cabinet on:-


·       Changes to the local funding formula. (The local authority is responsible for the final decision, although in some cases it may delegate the decision-making power to the Schools Forum)

·       Proposed changes to the operation of the minimum funding guarantee

·       Changes to or new contracts affecting schools (e.g. school meals)

·       Arrangements for pupils with special educational needs, in pupil referral units and in early years provision


The forum is responsible for decisions on:-


·       How much funding may be centrally retained within the Dedicated Schools Grant (e.g. for the Admissions Service, prudential borrowing costs, additional funding available for growing schools)

·       Any proposed carry forward of deficits on central spend from one year to the next

·       Proposals to de-delegate funding from maintained primary and secondary schools (e.g. for staff supply cover, insurance, behaviour support)

·       Changes to the scheme of financial management


(v)    Admissions Forum


         3 Councillors (Chair and Vice-Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


Jake Austin

Angie Clark

Colin Foster


Other Members


1 representative from the Church of England Diocese

3 representative from the Roman Catholic Diocese

1 Parent Governors representative (Primary)

1 Parent Governors representative (Secondary)

2 Community Schools representative (Primary)

1 Community Schools representative (Secondary)

1 Voluntary Controlled Schools representative (Primary)

1 Voluntary Controlled Schools representative (Secondary)

1 Voluntary Aided Schools (Primary)

1 Voluntary Aided Schools (Secondary)

2 Academy and free school representative

2 Local Community representatives


Terms of reference


To advise the Cabinet on:-


(a)  how well existing and proposed admission arrangements serve the interests of children and parents within the Authority's area;

(b)  the agreement between admissions authorities within the area on admission issues;

(c)  the comprehensiveness and accessibility of admissions literature and information for parents on school admission for all maintained schools in the area;

(d)  the effectiveness of the proposed co-ordinated admission arrangements;

(e)  how arrangements might be improved and how actual admissions at each school relate to the published admissions limit;

(f)  the admissions of children who arrive in the area outside of the normal admissions round with a view to promoting their fair distribution among local schools;

(g)  the arrangements for children with special educational needs, looked after children and children who have been excluded from school;

(h)  any other admissions related issue that may arise which is not included in the above.


(vi) Development Plan Working Party


        10 Councillors (Vice-Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


Asa Caton

Anna Charles-Jones

Liz Crix

Colin Foster

Mark Hunter

Mark Jones

Colin MacAlister (Chair)

David Meller

Mark Roberts

Claire Vibert


Terms of Reference


To advise the Cabinet on the preparation and approval of the local development documents which constitute the Council's Local Development Framework.


(vii)   Constitution Working Party


        8 Councillors (Vice-Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


Christine Carrigan

Anna Charles-Jones

James Frizzell

Jilly Julian

David Meller

Mark Roberts (Chair)

Alex Wynne

Matt Wynne


Terms of Reference


To review the Constitution, deal with constitutional issues as they arise and make recommendations to the Cabinet on the effectiveness and development of the Constitution.


(viii)  Governor Representative Group


5 Councillors and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Education.


Jake Austin

Rosemary Barratt

Anna Charles-Jones

Liz Crix

Wendy Meikle (Chair)

Leah Taylor


Terms of Reference


·       To consider and determine the selection of LA governors in Stockport including maintained schools and academies

·       To monitor vacancy rates of LA governors

·       To note the appointment of additional governors and to suggest additional nominees for any urgent appointments to ‘Schools Causing Concern

·       To consider and, where appropriate, agree, terminating appointments of LA governors where the governor has clearly breached confidentiality or brought the Local Authority into disrepute, or otherwise failed to fulfil the role according to the code of conduct.  This is in addition to situations where governors are automatically disqualified under Schedule 6 of the School Governance (Constitution)(England) Regulations 2007


(ix)      Education Appeals


(a)    Admission Appeals Panel


Educational Experience





Rebecca Bernstein


Alf Clark

Andrew Butler


Chris Deacy

Terry Conlon


Lucy Dunn

Catherine Downs


Jennifer Fieldhouse

Charles Flannery


Ann Gilbert

Peter O’Keefe


Liz Goodman

Jane Oldham


Bob Hodgson

Geraldine O’Sullivan


Phil Horton

Susan Palmer


Paul Hughes

Margaret Parker


Jennifer Ingram

Robin Patey


Lois Kelly

Maria Perry


Veronica Lloyd

Eloise Scroggie


Ruairi Leonard

Penny Sparrow


David Mullin

Dawn Strachan


Azan Naeem

Joanna Steven


John O’Sullivan

Carol Thorne


David Smith

John Thompson


Maureen Sweeney

Maureen Walsh 


Ray Sweeney

Alf Yates


Nithiya Sinnathamby



Keith Williams


(b)   Exclusion Review Panel



Head teacher





Terry Conlon

Jason Lowe

Alf Clark

John Thompson

Anna Roche

Lucy Dunn

Eloise Scroggie


Philip Horton

Susan Palmer


Paul Hughes

Robin Patey


John O’Sullivan



Keith Williams


Powers and Duties (Statutory)


The determination of appeals or reviews from:-


·       parents concerning the allocation of their children to schools

·       parents following the permanent exclusion of a pupil on disciplinary grounds


(100)   Transport Appeals Panel


Educational Experience




Rebecca Bernstein

Terry Conlon

Susan Palmer

Catherine Downs

Eloise Scroggie

John Thompson

Dawn Strachan

Geraldine O’Sullivan

Penny Sparrow

Robin Patey


Alf Clark

Lucy Dunn

Jennifer Fieldhouse

Phil Horton

Paul Hughes

Jennifer Ingram

David Smith

Maureen Sweeney

Ray Sweeney

Keith Williams

Powers and Duties:

To consider appeals against the determination of the Corporate Director for People in respect of school travel.


(x)      Independent Remuneration Panel


Patrick Dempsey

Bernadette Holgate

Ben Poland

Philip Smith


Powers and Duties (Statutory)


To make recommendations as to:-


·       the level of Basic Allowance for all Members.

·       the categories of special responsibility for which a Special Responsibility Allowance should be paid and the levels of those allowances.

·       as to whether Dependent Carers’ allowance should be payable to Members and the amount of such an allowance.

·       travelling and subsistence allowances.

·       any annual increase.







Supporting documents: