Agenda item

Rose Hill Primary School - Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders, Marple

To consider a report of the Service Director (Environment)


The report outlines the results of the public consultation exercise carried out in June 2011 concerning the proposed waiting restrictions in the Rose Hill Primary School Area and seek approval to proceed with the implementation of the waiting restrictions and associated TRO's.


That the recommendations contained in the report be approved.


Officer contact : Graham Price 0161 474 4893 email:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Environment) (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Area Committee on the results of the public consultation exercise which was carried out in June 2011 in respect .


RESOLVED - (1) That the implementation of the following waiting restrictions be approved, including Option 2 for Aragon Way/Seymour Grove as follows to be funded from a financial contribution from the Developer:-


Revocation of Existing restrictions.


No Waiting Monday-Friday 8.30am-9.30am & 3pm-4.30pm


Walton Drive


Both sides from north western kerb line of Dale Road for a distance of 10 metres in a north westerly direction.


Bowden Lane


South western kerb line from a point 48 metres of the South eastern kerb line of Dale road for a distance of 9 metres in a south easterly direction.


Bowden Lane


North eastern kerb line from a point approximately 48 metres from the south eastern kerb line of Dale Road to a point 15 metres north west of the north western kerb line of Seven Stiles Drive. (for its entire length)




Proposed No Waiting At Any Time


Walton Drive


Both sides from the north western kerb line of Dale Road for a distance of 10 metres in a north westerly direction.


Dale Road


North west side from a point 10 metres south west of the south western kerb line of Walton Drive to a point 10 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Walton Drive


North west side from a point 55 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Walton Drive for a distance of approx. 124 metres in a north easterly direction.


South east side from a point 15 metres south west of the south westerly kerb line of Bowden Lane to a point 25 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Bowden Lane.


Kingsbridge Close


South west side from the north western kerb line of Dale Road for a distance of 20 metres in a north westerly direction.


North east side from the north western kerb line of Dale Road for a distance of 15 metres in a north westerly direction.


Bowden Lane


North east side from the south eastern kerb line of Dale Road to a point 15 metres north west of the north western kerb line of Seven Stiles Drive. (to tie in with existing NWAAT)


North east side from a point 13 metres north west of the north western kerb line of Norbury Drive to a point 25 metres south east of the south eastern kerb line of Norbury Drive.


South west side from the south eastern kerb line of Dale Road for a distance of 57 metres in a south easterly direction.


South east side from a point 10 metres north west of the north western kerb line of Aragon Way to a point 10 metres south east of the south eastern kerb line of Aragon Way.


Seven Stiles Drive


South east side from a point approx. 15 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Bowden Lane for a distance of approx. 8.5 metres in a north easterly direction.


South east side from a point approx. 7 metres south west of the south westerly kerb line of Whiteoak Close to a point approx. 6 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Whiteoak Close.


Whiteoak Close


Both sides from the south eastern kerb line of Seven Stiles Drive for a distance of 6 metres in a south easterly direction.


Norbury Drive


Both sides from the north eastern kerb line of Bowden Lane for a distance of 28 metres in a north easterly direction.


Aragon Way


North west side from the south western kerb line of Bowden Lane for a distance of 112 metres in a generally south westerly and southerly direction.


South east side from the south western kerb line of Bowden Lane for a distance of approx. 52 metres in a generally south westerly and southerly direction.



Seymour Grove


North east side from the western kerb line of Aragon Way for its entire length. (to the termination point of the public highway.)


South west side from the western kerb line of Aragon Way for a distance of 6 metres in a north westerly direction.



Proposed No Waiting Monday-Friday 8.30am-9.30am & 3pm-4.30pm


Dale Road


North western side from a point 10 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Walton Drive for a distance of approx. 45 metres in a north easterly direction.


South eastern side from a point 8 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Walton Drive for a distance of approx. 21 metres in a north easterly direction.


Kingsbridge Close


South west side from a point 20 metres of the north western kerb line of Dale Road for a distance of 58 metres in a north westerly direction.


Bowden Lane


North east side from a point approx. 14 metres south east of the south eastern kerb line of Seven Stiles Drive to a point 13 metres north west of the north western kerb line of Norbury Drive.


South west side from a point 10 metres south east of the south eastern kerb line of Aragon Way for a distance of 20 metres in a south easterly direction.


Seven Stiles Drive


North western side from a point 15 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Bowden Lane for a distance of 45 metres in north easterly direction.


South east side from a point approx. 23.5 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Bowden Lane to a point approx. 7 metres south west of the south western kerb line of Whiteoak Close.


Aragon Way (Option 2)


Eastern side from a point approx. 52 metres south of the south western kerb line of Bowden Lane for a distance of 96 metres in a generally southerly, south westerly and north westerly direction. (to cover the turning area at the termination of Aragon Way.)


Seymour Grove (Option 2)


South western side from a point 6 metres north west of the western kerb line of Aragon way for its entire length.


(2) That the Service Director (Environment) be requested to submit a report to a future meeting concerning the possible introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders on Elmfield Drive, Marple.

Supporting documents: