Agenda item

Bridgehall, Cale Green, Edgeley and Shaw Heath Parking Survey

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


To receive an update on the Bridgehall, Cale Green, Edgeley and Shaw Heath Parking Survey.


The Area Committee is requested to note the results of the survey and next steps.


Officer contact: Eraina Smith 0161 474 4911 |


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the Bridgehall, Cale Green, Edgeley and Shaw Heath Parking Survey.


The following comments were made/issues raised:


·         It was advised that the survey had been carried out between October 2023 and December 2023. The survey was conducted to gather data from residents about perceived issues faced in their local area regarding access to parking and what might be exacerbating any issues.

·         It was noted that, with critical projects happening in and around the town centre, parking problems would persist and perhaps worsen, with time.

·         It was felt that the results of the survey demonstrated an appetite for a solution to the parking problems faced by residents.

·         Thanks were expressed to officers for their work on the survey.


It was proposed by Councillor Matt Wynne, and seconded by Councillor Asa Caton




1)    That it be noted that there is a clear and persuasive indication from the holistic parking survey carried out that there are a number of existing day to day and future concerns with parking in the Edgeley Ward area


2)    That this Area Committee therefore resolves that the Director of Place Management be recommended to proceed with a package of proposals named the Edgeley Parking Plan to address match day and commuter parking in Edgeley without delay:


A provisional Edgeley Parking Plan includes:


a.    Reviewing and reforming the Trader parking arrangements on Edgeley District Centre.


b.    Exploring the day to day usage of Pay and Display car parks on Edgeley District Centre and the feasibility of trialling contactless payment facility on public pay and display machines on Edgeley District Centre.


c.    Requesting to expand the current Match Day Parking zone to cover the North of Edgeley. Explore the feasibility and options for the creation of an Edgeley residents parking zone that will also address day time commuter parking and problem parking associated with the Town Centre and regeneration work in the East and North East section of the Ward.


d.    Considering reforming the current permit parking administration and enforcement regime to ensure it is fit for purpose.


3)    That, in line with the Council's constitution, the Cabinet Member responsible and Head of Service responsible be formally invited to attend the next meeting of the Area Committee to discuss the adoption of and a forward plan on progress of the Edgeley Parking Plan and costs associated.


4)    That it be highlighted that Stockport County's promotion to League 1 (having now been in the Football League for two years with week to week attendances rising alongside this and associated extra parking influx) is a benefit for the Borough, however it has taken two years to secure a survey alone.


5)    That it be noted that the success of Stockport County Football Club and the benefits for the Town and regeneration work planned cannot and will not be a burden to ordinary day to day life for Edgeley residents in that perennial parking related concerns are negatively affecting the fabric of the neighbourhood area as confirmed through the survey.


For the motion 12.




It was then proposed by Councillor Janet Mobbs, and seconded by Councillor Dickie Davies




1)    That the Area Committee asks that the council look to develop potential schemes to the issues raised and in particular the concerns around match day parking.


2)    To explore options to expand the match day parking zone to those areas impacted.


3)    To seek funding to support any potential schemes.


For the motion 12.




It was then


RESOLVED (12 for) – (1) That it be noted that there is a clear and persuasive indication from the holistic parking survey carried out that there are a number of existing day to day and future concerns with parking in the Edgeley Ward area


(2)  That this Area Committee therefore resolves that the Director of Place Management be recommended to proceed with a package of proposals named the Edgeley Parking Plan to address match day and commuter parking in Edgeley without delay:


A provisional Edgeley Parking Plan includes:


(a)  Reviewing and reforming the Trader parking arrangements on Edgeley District Centre.


(b)  Exploring the day to day usage of Pay and Display car parks on Edgeley District Centre and the feasibility of trialling contactless payment facility on public pay and display machines on Edgeley District Centre.


(c)  Requesting to expand the current Match Day Parking zone to cover the North of Edgeley. Explore the feasibility and options for the creation of an Edgeley residents parking zone that will also address day time commuter parking and problem parking associated with the Town Centre and regeneration work in the East and North East section of the Ward.


(d)  Considering reforming the current permit parking administration and enforcement regime to ensure it is fit for purpose.


(3)  That, in line with the Council's constitution, the Cabinet Member responsible and Head of Service responsible be formally invited to attend the next meeting of the Area Committee to discuss the adoption of and a forward plan on progress of the Edgeley Parking Plan and costs associated.


(4)  That it be highlighted that Stockport County's promotion to League 1 (having now been in the Football League for two years with week to week attendances rising alongside this and associated extra parking influx) is a benefit for the Borough, however it has taken two years to secure a survey alone.


(5)  That it be noted that the success of Stockport County Football Club and the benefits for the Town and regeneration work planned cannot and will not be a burden to ordinary day to day life for Edgeley residents in that perennial parking related concerns are negatively affecting the fabric of the neighbourhood area as confirmed through the survey.


(6)  And further, in relation to Bridge Hall, Cale Green and Shaw Heath, the Area Committee asks that the council look to develop potential schemes to the issues raised and in particular the concerns around match day parking.


(7)  To explore options to expand the match day parking zone to those areas impacted.


(8)  To seek funding to support any potential schemes.

Supporting documents: