Agenda item

Residential Parking Policy Review 2013

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


Following a review by the Council’s Internal Audit Team, the report details proposals to make amendments to the Council’s residential parking policy and seeks the comments of the Area Committee on the proposed changes.


The Area Committee is requested to comment on the proposed changes to the residential parking policy, with particular attention to the introduction of paid residents’ permits in the Town Centre and First Team Match and Event Time schemes around Edgeley Park Stadium.


Officer Contact: Sue Stevenson on 0161 474 4351 or e mail:




The Service Director (Place Management) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing proposals to make amendments to the Council’s residential parking policy and seeking the comments of the Scrutiny Committee on the proposed changes.


The report had been considered at the previous cycle of Area Committee meetings and a copy of the comments of the Area Committees on the proposals was circulated at the meeting.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         The purpose of the scheme was that the scheme should break even and not be subsidised.

·         A Member felt that the proposed increase in the charges for residents and visitors permits to £40 in 2015/16 was excessive.

·         A Member favoured the proposal to phase out the lower standard free residents parking by the end of 2014/15.

·         The enforcement of the residents parking system was a key issue which needed to be addressed.

·         A Member requested more information on how the traffic services cost of £28.89 was derived at.

·         A Member asked for confirmation that there had not been double counting in working out the cost of annual enforcement.

·         The parking problems on First Team Match days and events at Edgeley Park Stadium were not caused by residents who lived in the vicinity of the stadium.


It was then




That this Scrutiny Committee objects to the proposal to increase the cost of a residents permit to £30 in 2014/15 and £40 in 2015/16.


For the motion 5, against 0, abstentions 4




A recorded vote was requested in relating to the voting on this motion and the voting was recorded as follows:-


Those councillors who voted for the resolution were:-


Councillors Richard Coaton, Dean Fitzpatrick, Syd Lloyd, John Smith and David White.


Those councillors who abstained were:-


Councillors Andrew Bispham, Chris Gordon, Patrick McAuley and Craig Wright.


It was then




That this Scrutiny Committee objects to the introduction of paid residents’ permits for First Team and Event Time schemes around Edgeley Park Stadium.


For the motion 3, against 0, abstentions 6




A recorded vote was requested in relating to the voting on this motion and the voting was recorded as follows:-


Those councillors who voted for the resolution were:-


Councillors Richard Coaton, Dean Fitzpatrick and David White.


Those councillors who abstained were:-


Councillors Andrew Bispham, Chris Gordon, Patrick McAuley, Syd Lloyd, John Smith and Craig Wright.


It was then




That this Scrutiny Committee opposes appeals with regard to Residents Parking Zones being considered by the Executive and requests the Executive Councillor (Economic Development and Regeneration) to consider an alternative appeals mechanism.


For the motion 5, against 0, abstentions 4




A recorded vote was requested in relating to the voting on this motion and the voting was recorded as follows:-


Those councillors who voted for the resolution were:-


Councillors Richard Coaton, Dean Fitzpatrick, Syd Lloyd, John Smith and David White.


Those councillors who abstained were:-


Councillors Andrew Bispham, Chris Gordon, Patrick McAuley and Craig Wright.


It was then




That this Scrutiny Committee opposes the removal of free residents’ parking schemes.


For the motion 3, against 0, abstentions 6




A recorded vote was requested in relating to the voting on this motion and the voting was recorded as follows:-


Those councillors who voted for the resolution were:-


Councillors Richard Coaton, Dean Fitzpatrick and David White.


Those councillors who abstained were:-


Councillors Andrew Bispham, Chris Gordon, Patrick McAuley, Syd Lloyd, John Smith and Craig Wright.


RESOLVED – That the Executive Councillor (Economic Development and Regeneration) be recommended to give consideration to the following resolutions of the Scrutiny Committee:-


(a) That this Scrutiny Committee objects to the proposal to increase the cost of a residents permit to £30 in 2014/15 and £40 in 2015/16.


(b) That this Scrutiny Committee objects to the introduction of paid residents’ permits for First Team and Event Time schemes around Edgeley Park Stadium.


(c) That this Scrutiny Committee opposes appeals with regard to Residents Parking Zones being considered by the Executive and requests the Executive Councillor (Economic Development and Regeneration) to consider an alternative appeals mechanism.


(d) That this Scrutiny Committee opposes the removal of free residents’ parking schemes.







Supporting documents: