Agenda item


To receive the Minutes of the following Scrutiny Committees:-


Adult Social Care & Health – 18 January and 29 February 2024       

Children & Families – 17 January and 28 February 2024       

Communities & Transport – 15 January and 26 February 2024         

Corporate, Resource Management & Governance – 16 January and 27 February 2024

Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change – 18 January and 29 February 2024


The Mayor declared the Minutes of the following Scrutiny Committees (copies of which had been circulated with the Summons) to be duly received:-


Adult Social Care & Health – 18 January and 29 February 2024      

Children & Families – 17 January and 28 February 2024      

Communities & Transport – 15 January and 26 February 2024        

Corporate, Resource Management & Governance – 16 January and 27 February 2024

Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change – 18 January and 29 February 2024

Supporting documents: