Agenda item

Public Question Time

Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice (Questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting. You can also submit via the Council’s website at


Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice.


11 public questions were submitted as follows:-


·         Relating to an update on the proposed plan and funding bids for Marple Leisure and Community Hub.


RESOLVED – That, in the absence of the questioner, the Director of Development and Regeneration be requested to respond to the question in writing.


·         Relating to the loss of the swimming pool in Marple, and plans for the Council to replace this facility in light of national health issues around obesity


RESOLVED – That, in the absence of the questioner, the Director of Development and Regeneration be requested to respond to the question in writing.


·         Relating to a rejected funding bid for the proposed new leisure facility in Marple, and whether the Council could contract a local company to provide a quote for refurbishing the old site of the Marple pool. 


RESOLVED – That the Director of Development and Regeneration be requested to respond to the question in writing.


·         Relating to the second unsuccessful bid for Levelling Up Funding for the proposed Marple community hub and leisure centre, and what the next steps would be in securing funding for a new facility.


In response, Members noted their disappointment at the outcome of the funding bid, given previous positive indications from the Government about the strength of the bid. It was commented that Members had been in contact with central government since the outcome of the funding bid had been announced and hoped to be able to provide further comment in the next few weeks following the meeting.


·         Relating to the provision of toilet facilities in Marple and issues of hygiene, access and water blockages, and whether the Council could provide further facilities and more regular cleaning.


In response, Members expressed sympathy with the request of the questioner, and noted that they had been in contact with local businesses to discuss making their toilet facilities publicly available, as well as looking into re-opening facilities such as those on Derby Way. It was further commented that Members supported a survey of drains in the borough in order to create a maintenance plan for each drain in accordance with the individual needs of an area.


·         Relating to the issue of vehicles jumping amber and red lights in the area, and whether community speed watch volunteers could be trained to catch vehicles running through red lights.


RESOLVED – That, in the absence of the questioner, the Director of Place Management be requested to respond to the question in writing.


·         Relating to traffic issued on Hartington Road and whether the enforcement of current time-limited access rules could be considered as an alternative to full closure of the road.


RESOLVED – That, in the absence of the questioner, the Director of Place Management be requested to respond to the question in writing.


·         Relating to local opposition amongst residents to the proposed Covid memorial on Hawk Green, and requesting that the Committee ensures that resident’s views were considered prior to the undertaking of the proposed scheme.


In response, it was commented that the proposed memorial had been brought forward by Hawk Green Residents Association, and that a full consultation of local residents would be undertaken prior to any final decision on the scheme, with letters being sent to the affected houses.


·         Relating to the closure of the public footpath between Chadkirk and Dale Roads, and when residents could expect repairs to be undertaken and the footpath reopened.


RESOLVED – That, in the absence of the questioner, the Director of Place Management be requested to respond to the question in writing.


·         Relating to the proposed community hub in Marple, and requesting consultation with the Friends of Marple Memorial Park group during the planning process for the scheme.


In response, it was commented that Members had spoken to the relevant officers on this issue, and requested that all interested parties would be consulted at the earliest opportunity on this matter.


·         Relating to damage to National Cycle Network 55 and whether the Council has a dedicated budget for maintenance of this and other cycle routes, and whether there were plans for a further 24 hour route into the centre of Stockport.


In response, Members commented that they were proud of the availability of cycle routes in Marple, but did not have the specific detail to hand on this matter. It was commented that a formal written response with further detail would be sent to the questioner.