Agenda item

CRSTS Hempshaw Lane Highway Improvements - Consultation Results

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report provides the results of a consultation on the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) proposals for Hempshaw Lane for measures including road widening, bus stop improvements, parking restrictions and a new controlled crossing.


The Area Committee is asked to comment on the report and recommend that

the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration gives approval for the

following schemes:-


·         Sheet 1 of 7 – Tactile paving at side roads and bus stop upgrades.

·         Sheet 2 of 7 - Bollards on Hempshaw Lane, both sides of Thirlmere Road, reduced pedestrian guard railing length, footway widening on Hulme Street and removal of one bollard.

·         Sheet 3 of 7 – Bus stop relocated adjacent to Stockport Lads Club, continuous footways across Stockport Lads Club entrance/exit, carriageway widening adjacent to Electricity North West sub station/No. 384 Hempshaw Lane.

·         Sheet 4 of 7 – Build out, heritage style guard rail, bollards and directional sign adjacent to the Finger Post Hotel. Widened traffic islands and upgraded traffic signal equipment plus a new diagonal crossing.

·         Sheet 5 of 7 – Bus stop upgrades, continuous footways across existing minor accesses, bollards at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings at Sydney Street and Whalley Road, parking bay on Sydney Street, resurfacing and lighting of path to rear of property No’s 463 to 473 Hempshaw Lane.

·         Sheet 6 of 7 – Continuous footway across minor accesses, bollards at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings at Milford Grove and Filey Road.

·         Sheet 7 of 7 – Relocated bus stops, toucan crossing, raised table, footway build outs each side of Offerton Fold, parking bay between No. 530 and No.550 Hempshaw Lane. New refuge and widened footways.


Officer contact: Katy Ferrer on 0161 474 4907 or email:


A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the results of a consultation on the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) proposals for Hempshaw Lane for measures including road widening, bus stop improvements, parking restrictions and a new controlled crossing.


It was commented that, following the amendments, overall there were support for each of the proposals going forwards and Members were happy to support the schemes.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration be recommended to give approval to the following schemes:-

·         Sheet 1 of 7 – Tactile paving at side roads and bus stop upgrades.

·         Sheet 2 of 7 - Bollards on Hempshaw Lane, both sides of Thirlmere Road, reduced pedestrian guard railing length, footway widening on Hulme Street and removal of one bollard.

·         Sheet 3 of 7 – Bus stop relocated adjacent to Stockport Lads Club, continuous footways across Stockport Lads Club entrance/exit, carriageway widening adjacent to Electricity North West sub station/No. 384 Hempshaw Lane.

·         Sheet 4 of 7 – Build out, heritage style guard rail, bollards and directional sign adjacent to the Finger Post Hotel. Widened traffic islands and upgraded traffic signal equipment plus a new diagonal crossing.

·         Sheet 5 of 7 – Bus stop upgrades, continuous footways across existing minor accesses, bollards at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings at Sydney Street and Whalley Road, parking bay on Sydney Street, resurfacing and lighting of path to rear of property No’s 463 to 473 Hempshaw Lane.

·         Sheet 6 of 7 – Continuous footway across minor accesses, bollards at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings at Milford Grove and Filey Road.

·         Sheet 7 of 7 – Relocated bus stops, toucan crossing, raised table, footway build outs each side of Offerton Fold, parking bay between No. 530 and No. 550 Hempshaw Lane. New refuge and widened footways.

Supporting documents: