To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report details an application from Ryan Newsagent Limited for a premises licence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003 at 208 Shaw Heath, Stockport, SK2 6QZ.
The Sub Committee is asked to determine the application for a premises licence in respect of 208 Shaw Heath, Stockport, SK2 6QZ.
Officer contact: Sarah Tooth 0161 474 4176 |
A representative of the Director for Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an application for a new premises licence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003 at 208 Shaw Heath, Stockport, SK2 6QZ, to permit the sale of alcohol (off the premises) from Monday to Sunday between 06:00 hours and 23:00 hours.
Representatives of the applicant attended the meeting and answered questions in relation to the application.
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council’s Licensing Authority (Licensing Authority) made a valid representation being a responsible authority under the Licensing Act 2003 and exercising its statutory function to promote the licensing objectives. A representative from the Licensing Authority attended the meeting and answered questions in relation to the application.
The Sub Committee, having heard the interested parties, proceeded to consider the licensing objectives in respect of the application, together with Stockport Council’s Licensing Policy. The decision was then reached on consideration of all the arguments given in relation to the specific application.
The Sub Committee found the following:
(i) Crime and disorder
The Sub Committee was satisfied that a relevant representation had been raised in respect of this licensing objective. Specifically, the representation raised concerns in relation to the confidence in the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) to effectively manage existing premises and train staff in compliance with licensing and other regulatory standards, and as a consequence, the impact of any potential issues on the new business venture at 208 Shaw Heath.
(ii) Protection of children
The Sub Committee was satisfied that a relevant representation had been raised in respect of this licensing objective. Specifically, the representation raised concerns in relation to the confidence in the DPS to effectively manage existing premises and train staff in compliance with licensing and other regulatory standards, and as a consequence, the impact of any potential issues on the new business venture at 208 Shaw Heath.
(iii) Public safety
The Sub Committee was satisfied that a relevant representation had been raised in respect of this licensing objective. Specifically, the representation raised concerns in relation to the confidence in the DPS to effectively manage existing premises and train staff in compliance with licensing and other regulatory standards, and as a consequence, the impact of any potential issues on the new business venture at 208 Shaw Heath.
(iv) Public nuisance
The Sub Committee was satisfied that a relevant representation had been raised in respect of this licensing objective. Specifically, the representation raised concerns in relation to the confidence in the DPS to effectively manage existing premises and train staff in compliance with licensing and other regulatory standards, and as a consequence, the impact of any potential issues on the new business venture at 208 Shaw Heath.
The Sub Committee felt that improvements in the management of existing premises had been made and were satisfied that the applicant had demonstrated that staff were trained. Therefore, the Sub Committee agreed to grant the application. However, it was felt necessary and appropriate in order to address licensing objectives, and suitability mitigate the concerns of the Licensing Authority, to add an additional condition to the licence relating to the training of staff.
The Sub Committee noted with approval that the applicant had worked with the Licensing Team to make improvements to comply with licensing and other regulatory standards, and were keen for this to continue.
It was then
RESOLVED – (1) That the hours of sale of alcohol (off the premises) be approved as follows:
from 06:00 hours to 23:00 hours, Monday to Sunday.
(2) That approval be given to the imposition of a condition for staff training in respect of age verification and associated restrictions relating to sales of restricted products to be refreshed every three to four months.
Supporting documents: