To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Services to People and the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services.
A representative of the Corporate Director, Services to People submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) in relation to the allocation of places to maintained primary and secondary schools in September 2012 and the pattern of admissions to secondary schools after the normal admissions round during 2011/12 together with the number of appeals that had been lodged and heard.
The Forum discussed the new arrangements whereby all applications are now made on-line and the impact of the increase in preferences from 3 to 6.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the information contained in Appendix 2, Table A and Appendix 7 be checked amended and re-circulated to members of the Forum.
(3) That future reports include an additional column to show the number of those appellants that were refused entry to their preferred school were subsequently allocated a school place.
Supporting documents: