To provide Members with the opportunity to discuss the information and evidence presented by colleagues, receive responses to questions relating to the scope of the review and formulate recommendations.
The Chair invited Members to discuss the information and evidence presented by colleagues at the Stockport NHS Foundation Trust.
Karen James (Chief Executive, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust) and Jackie McShane (Director of Operations, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust) attended the meeting to respond to questions from councillors.
The following comments were made/issues raised: -
· Welcomed the honesty of the presentation and level of detail provided.
· Congratulated staff for the recent outcome of the CQC urgent and emergency services inspection.
· Welcomed the service improvements and commented on the quality of leadership.
· Recognised the impact of COVID-19 on wait times and challenges that it had presented to services and staffing levels.
· Enquired about the impact of Primary Care patient referral delays and Secondary Care wait times.
· Welcomed the use of the independent sector as a means to alleviate demand pressure and reduce wait times, however raised concerns in relation to the impact of using the independent sector on NHS budgets in both the short and long term.
· In response to a question relating to booking system, it was stated that the system was a national booking system that enabled services to receive referrals electronically. The referrals were centrally streamed and co-ordinated to ensure that patients were referred to the service most appropriate to meet their care needs. Members were advised that there was ongoing service transformation work which was focussed on improving the booking system as it was acknowledged that there had been technical issues which had included patients receiving letters containing incorrect information.
· Members enquired about the number of staff employed by the Foundation Trust in Stockport. In response, it was stated that there were over 5000 members of staff currently employed with the majority of these doctors and nurses. Members were advised that the Trust were investing in the medical workforce to ensure they were able to meet demand, however it was noted that recruitment was a challenge in specialist fields and as a result, the Trust were exploring recruitment overseas.
· In response to a question in relation to the location of the green sites, it was agreed that this would be shared with Members following the meeting.
· Welcomed the introduction and continuation of virtual outpatient appointments to manage demand, however raised concerns on behalf of residents who lacked the skill, confidence or equipment to access services in this way.
· In response, it was stated that face to face consultations were available in cases where a patient could not attend a virtual consultation, however patients were encouraged to seek support from friends and family to assist them, where possible, and the voluntary sector was supporting residents who were digitally excluded to become digitally included.
· Members requested that access figures in relation to virtual outpatient appointments be shared following the meeting.
· In response to a query relating to ambulance wait times, it was acknowledged that wait times for ambulances was an issue across Greater Manchester and the Trust were exploring ways in which this could be improved. It was agreed that information in relation to handover wait times between ambulances arriving and patients being seen would be shared with Members following the meeting.
· Recognised the long term impact of COVID on the health of residents and welcomed the proposals for a long COVID service. Members requested that information in relation to the long COVID services be shared following the meeting.
· Noted that people were sicker than they were pre-COVID as many residents had chosen not to access health services in the height of the pandemic and raised concerns of the impact of this on NHS services in the long term.
· In response to a query in relation to the While You Wait service, it was stated that the While You Wait service was a three-month pilot which aimed to support patients whilst they were waiting for treatment. Members were advised that the Stockport pilot was the only one in Greater Manchester following the withdrawal of Bolton and had received around 40 referrals for services such as weight management and smoking. It was agreed that additional information relating to access figures, services and funding would be shared with Members following the meeting.
· Requested information in relation to the ward expansion for 2022/23 and increased bed capacity be shared following the meeting.
· Thanked staff for their hard work and dedication in response to the pandemic.
Resolved – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) thanks be expressed to all the team for their hard work, detailed presentation and time in responding to Members questions.
(3) requested information, including workforce data, detail of the current green sites across the borough, ambulance handover times, virtual outpatient figures, long COVID services, While You Wait service specification, April bed plan, short and long term budget impact of using the independent sector, and service wait times, be shared with Members at the earliest opportunity.