To consider a report of the Director of Place Management
The report sets out the background to an experimental Traffic Regulation Order covering the Covent Garden Village Development in the Town Centre.
The Area Committee is asked to decide whether the Traffic Regulation Order schedule as detailed in the report should now be established on a permanent basis.
Officer contact: Max Townsend 0161 474 4861 or email:
A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated)relating to an experimental Traffic Regulation Order covering the Covent Garden Village Development in the Town Centre.
RESOLVED - That approval be given to the following Permanent Traffic Regulation Order:
Revoke all existing non-moving Traffic Regulation Orders on the streets listed below:
Covent Garden, Banbury Street, Garnett Street, Massey Street, Lowe Street, London Place and London Square
Their full adopted lengths according to the historical layout previous to redevelopment in 2019.
Introduce No Waiting at Any Time:
Covent Garden
South Westerly side from a point 5 metres south west of the projected Easterly building line of No.1 for a distance of 7.5 metres in a north westerly direction.
South easterly side from a point level with the projected north easterly kerb line of Banbury Street for a distance of 5 metres in a north easterly direction; then for a distance of 7.5 metres in a south easterly direction (following the kerb line).
North westerly side from the north easterly kerb line of Banbury Street for a distance of 10 metres in a north easterly direction; then 5 metres in a south easterly direction (following the kerb line).
Banbury Street
Both sides for its full adopted extent (a distance of approximately 73 metres) and to tie in with the same on adjoining streets.
Garnett Street
Both sides for its full length Adopted extent (a distance of approximately 110 metres) and to tie in with the same on adjoining streets.
Massey Street
Both sides for its full Adopted extent (a distance of approximately 35 metres) and to tie in with the same on adjoining streets.
Lowe Street
South Westerly side from the north westerly kerb line of John Street for a distance of 64 metres in a north westerly direction and to tie in with the same on adjoining streets.
North Easterly side from the North Westerly kerb line of John Street for a distance of 15 metres in a North Westerly direction. From a point 3 metres South East of the South Easterly kerb line of Massey Street for a distance of 22 metres in a North Westerly direction and to tie in with the same on adjoining streets.
London Place
Both sides for its full Adopted extent (a distance of approx. 78 metres) and to tie in with the same on adjoining streets.
London Square
North Easterly side from the North Westerly kerb line of London Place for a distance of 76 metres to the limit of its Adopted extent and to tie in with the same on adjoining streets.
South Westerly side from the North Westerly kerb line of London Place for a distance of 11 metres in a North Westerly direction. From a point 12 metres South East of the South Easterly kerb line of Crowther Street for a distance of 31 metres in a North Westerly direction to the limit of its Adopted extent and to tie in with the aforementioned.
Crowther Street
Both sides for its full Adopted extent (a distance of approx. 80 metres) and to tie in with the same on adjoining streets.
No Waiting and No Loading at Any Time:
Covent Garden
North Westerly side from the (extended) South Westerly kerb line of Lower / Middle Hillgate in a Westerly direction (following the kerb radius) for a distance of approx24 metres to a point level with the projected South Easterly kerb line of Banbury Street.
South Easterly side from the (extended) South Westerly kerb line of Lower / Middle Hillgate for a distance of approx. 7.5 metres in a Westerly direction (following the kerb radius) to a point 7.5 metres North East of the projected Easterly building line of No. 1.
Pay & Display Max. Stay 3 Hours Monday to Saturday 8am – 6pm:
Covent Garden
South easterly side from a point 7.5 metres North East of the projected Easterly building line of No. 1 for a distance of 12.5 metres in a South Westerly direction (perpendicular bays 5m x 2.5m).
South Westerly side from a point 7.5 metres South East of the projected South Easterly kerb line of Banbury Street for a distance of 5 metres in a South Easterly direction (perpendicular bays 5m x 2.5m).
Lowe Street
North East side from a point 15 metres North West of the North Westerly kerb line of John Street for a distance of 26 metres in a North Westerly direction.
London Square
South west side from a point 11 metres north west of the north westerly kerb line of London Place for a distance of 34 metres in a north westerly direction.
Supporting documents: