Agenda item

Open Forum

In accordance with the Code of Practice no organisation has indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements.


Sergeant Matthew Lavassani (Greater Manchester Police) attended the meeting to answer questions from councillors and members of the public in relation to Neighbourhood Policing issues within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         Introductions were made for Inspector Singh, who would be taking over as Area Inspector for Hazel Grove and Marple.

·         It was reported that following special measures in 2020, changes had been made. It was reported that 999 calls were now being answered within 1 second, and that crime was now being recorded more accurately, with better safeguarding in place for investigations. It was stated that on 28 October 2022, GMP was taken out of special measures.

·         It was reported that the amount of crime investigated had reduced which meant investigations could be completed to a higher standard, and that officers could be visible and out within the community.

·         It was reported that Operation Avro in November was a success, which involved 28 arrests, 17 warrants executed, drugs and money seized, 39 traffic offences identified, 8 vehicles seized, and 9 traffic related arrests. Similar operations had occurred once or twice a year in this district and would continue.

·         Individual neighbourhood days of action would occur more frequently, such as a recent Hazel Grove and Marple day of action focused on ASB.

·         It was reported that a new neighbourhood officer for Hazel Grove, PC Jordan Weekly had joined the force.

·         It was reported that a Neighbourhood Crime Team had been set up in August 2022 to focus on burglary, robbery, and vehicle theft which had produced good results.

·         It was reported that Speedwatch was being piloted in High Lane, with interviews and vetting of potential volunteers occurring. Specific dates could not be provided.

·         It was reported that off-road bikes were difficult to police due to risks involved in pursuits. Action would be taken if intelligence was provided to individuals involved, or if stolen bikes are reported. Traffic resources in GMP would be doubled, which it was anticipated would lead to an increase in tactical capability for this issue. Public are encouraged to contact the police with their concerns.

·         Members queried changes to neighbourhood policing model. It was responded that no additional geographic area has been included in Hazel Grove and Marple, but that boundary changes had led to a recommendation of a 20% increase in NBOs in Hazel Grove and Marple. It was offered that an update could be provided to Members by email.

·         Members queried whether PCSOs would be increased. It was responded that this was currently unknown as the decision would be taken at the top of the force.

·         Members queried whether visible policing at an upcoming play area between Devonshire Road and Macclesfield Road could be increased once it had been completed in 6 weeks, as there had been concerns about potential anti-social behaviour. It was responded that the relevant officers would be made aware of this, and that they would be showing increased presence in the area to alleviate concerns.

·         Members queried whether an update could be provided regarding opportunistic crimes around car doors. It was responded that numbers around vehicle crime could be provided to Members. Members of the public were encouraged to report any incidences regardless of whether anything was stolen or damaged, as they would always at a minimum send a PCSO to check CCTV footage. It was stated that the information provided would impact whether it was recorded as a crime or as suspicious circumstances.

·         Members queried whether police surgeries would be continuing. It was responded that the Hazel Grove surgery location had moved, as had the Great Moore surgery. Offerton surgery had been running every four weeks, with two different locations - one in a mobile police station and one at Offerton Library. It was stated that they needed to publicise these more effectively in future.

·         Members queried whether residents’ reports of behavioural incidents around Offerton Aldi were known and if more resources could be offered in this area. It was responded that there had been several hubs like that, although they are not aware of any specific complaints over the previous days. It was stated that the relevant PCSO and NBO would be alerted, and the Member could contact the Sergeant directly with specific details.


RESOLVED – That Sergeant Matthew Lavassani be thanked for his attendance.