Agenda item

Acquisition of Properties on Princes Street, Stockport, Improvement of Merseyway Car Park and Bridgefield Redevelopment

To consider a report of the Corporate Director, Corporate and Support Services and Service Director (Place Development)


(Note: this report includes information ‘not for publication’ contained within its appendices which has been circulated to members of the Scrutiny Committee only).


This report sets out the proposed next steps for two major regeneration projects – Bridgefield and the Merseyway car park. These two projects have become partly linked together by a proposal from UK Asset Recovery (UKAR), the holder of the debt on the Merseyway Shopping Centre, as detailed in the report.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to comment on the report prior to its consideration by the Executive.


Officer contacts: Barry Khan/Paul Lawrence on 0161 474 3202/0161 218 1940 or e mail:


The Service Director (Place Development) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the proposed next steps for two major regeneration projects – Bridgefield and the Merseyway car park. These two projects had become partly linked together by a proposal from UK Asset Recovery (UKAR), the holder of the debt on the Merseyway Shopping Centre, and the proposals for the scheme were detailed in the report. This Scrutiny Committee would continue to be advised of future developments in the scheme, as well as the Town Centre/M60 Gateway Task Force.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


           The lessons learnt from the Grand Central development of the 1990’s.

           What was currently happening to the retailers who owned shops on Princes Street and the businesses faced with Compulsory Purchase Orders at a time when many retailers were struggling in the current economic climate. Work was taking place with advising traders on Princes Street of the proposals through the Town Team.

           The current situation with regard to the acquisition of properties on Princes Street.

           The Council was not currently looking for a Development Manager for the project, but would seek a funding partner if planning permission was approved for the project. Nothing would happen until planning permission was approved.

           The aim was that footfall for Princes Street would improve as this retail area would fall between the retail offer in the Merseyway precinct and the proposed leisure offer on the Bridgefield site.

           Any future plans to extend the Metrolink to Stockport would not be affected by the proposals.

           The importance of attracting quality restaurants for shoppers and people visiting the cinema. The improvements to Merseyway Car Park would also improve the quality of the offer for visitors to the town centre.

           People would still be attracted by the free car parking available at similar facilities at Parrs Wood, although it is free in Stockport after 6.00pm. Consideration could be given to an increase in the service charge to retailers to help meet the cost of the car parks.

           A Member expressed concern that car parking charges were proposed to be increased in line with inflation.


It was then


MOVED AND SECONDED – (1) That the Executive Meeting be advised that this Scrutiny Committee recommends that the third bullet point in the recommendations in the report to the Executive Meeting be amended to read:-


‘To authorise the Service Director (Place Development) and the Corporate Director, Corporate and Support Services, in consultation with the Executive Councillors (Economic Development and Regeneration) and (Governance and Corporate Resources) and Labour Group Spokesperson on this Scrutiny Committee and a designated Member from the Conservative Group, to settle the final terms of the agreement with UK Asset Recovery, subject to a positive outcome to the final valuation and any outstanding due diligence’.


(2) That the Executive Meeting be advised that this Scrutiny Committee expresses concern about the proposed inflationary increase in the car parking charges.


For the motion 5, against 4




It was then


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted and the Scrutiny Committee’s comments reported to the Executive Meeting on 12 November 2012.


(2) That the Executive Meeting be advised that this Scrutiny Committee recommends that the third bullet point in the recommendations in the report to the Executive Meeting be amended to read:-


‘To authorise the Service Director (Place Development) and the Corporate Director, Corporate and Support Services, in consultation with the Executive Councillors (Economic Development and Regeneration) and (Governance and Corporate Resources) and Labour Group Spokesperson on this Scrutiny Committee and a designated Member from the Conservative Group, to settle the final terms of the agreement with UK Asset Recovery, subject to a positive outcome to the final valuation and any outstanding due diligence’.


(3) That the Executive Meeting be advised that this Scrutiny Committee expresses concern about the proposed inflationary increase in the car parking charges.

Supporting documents: